Physical Education Mrs. Dilbone
REBEL PRIDE! You are now part of the Rebel family, so… continually strive to demonstrate REBEL PRIDE in all that you do!
Handbook Policies All policies will be enforced. Keep the language clean!
Tardies Be in the gym building by the time the tardy bell is finished ringing. Be in your attendance line within five minutes after the tardy bell rings. 1 st & 2 nd tardies - verbal warnings 3 rd tardy - detention 4 th tardy - behavior referral to the office
What do I wear? PE Uniform is COOL!!! Athletic-type shorts Minimum 9” inseam T-shirt Unaltered (cut/torn) & no tank tops Tennis shoes & socks No boots, sandals, flip-flops or slip-ons! Sweatshirts/Sweatpants Optional but recommended when it gets cold…we will be going outside as long as it’s not raining! Hats and Sunglasses OUTSIDE ONLY!
Forgot your clothes? …or can’t seem to find anything to wear for P.E.? CLEAN clothes are available upon request – just ask! Buy a PE uniform! There are NO excuses for not dressing out!
Unexcused Non-Dresses You will still be required to participate if possible! 1 st offense – Verbal warning 2 nd offense – Detention 3 rd + offense – Referral to the
The doors will be locked! Outside gym doors & locker room doors will be locked at all times during class; however, BE SURE YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS ARE LOCKED UP ANYWAY! You will be issued a lock and will be assigned a P.E. locker. If you lose your lock, you will be charged for it!
Restroom & Showers Use the restroom when you are in the locker room getting ready for class! Showers are encouraged but are not mandatory. Bring your own towel!
Where can you go after class? After you are dressed you must remain in the locker room until the bell rings! You may NOT be in the gym during lunch or when it is not your class period.
No personal music devices!
Be respectful… of each other. of the equipment. If you misuse equipment and it breaks, you will be expected to pay for it.
How will you be graded? Participation is up to 65% of your grade. Points are awarded daily. Points can be deducted for poor participation, poor behavior, or lack of effort! Approximately 35% of your grade is based on: Written tests Assignments Other projects
Extended Illness/Injury If out for more than 3 days, you must have a doctor’s excuse. Ask your doctor if there is something you CAN do and have him/her indicate this in your note. Efforts will be made to modify activities for you. Remember, you still have to make up these non-participation days!!!!
Non-Dress or Absent? Non-participation due to a non-dress or absence is only excused with a note! Non-dresses and absences result in loss of participation points; but, if excused, you may make them up during PRIDE period! Unexcused…results in loss of participation points and cannot be made up! You will receive zero credit for written work and testing that day. Athletes may use up to 3 practices for make up points. Games cannot be used as make up.
PRIDE Period Make Up Get a pass from your teacher to attend PE make up during PRIDE period. Go directly to the locker room and change clothes (be there by the time the bell rings). Do not go to your PRIDE period class. Sign in for accurate attendance keeping. Do make up activities with Mrs. Dilbone. Last 5 minutes…back in locker room to change.
Homework Take home the expectations, policies & procedures handout and have your guardian read and sign it. Return it by Friday!