BOE Goal: Study long-term facility needs All patrons invited to join Each building and special education co-op represented KIDS Committee met monthly for about one year Trevor served as chair Martin submitted drawings, options, and cost estimates
Several options explored for RC campus Options Included: Small addition attached to current JH Large addition on west side Separate 7-8 building Separate 6-8 building Separate 5-8 building
New gym or gym renovations Expanded/renovated cafeteria and kitchen New Auditorium SGES Pre-planned additions WES upstairs restroom Surfacing/Resurfacing parking lots Baseball/Softball complex Moving district office to RCJSHS campus
Committee members listed advantages of all options Advantages were ranked on a scale of 1-5 Top two options (7-8 building and 6-8 building) were re-ranked on a scale of building was ranked slightly higher Master Plan was created based on the final ranking and included other facility options
Separate 7-8 building attached to current building on NW side. Includes 11 classrooms and a cafeteria Does not include a media center, computer lab, or music rooms Cost: $6.2 million Advantages: Keeps 7-8 students more separated than current layout, prevents need for 7-8 students to travel outside, does not require cafeteria renovation Disadvantages: Requires additional land, no direct JH entrance, no long-term plan for truly separate building, probably need to move propane tank
Option for new auditorium: $3.4 million Option for gym renovation, additional seating on mezzanine, and separate strength/conditioning building Option for new gym: $3.7 million (add $1 million for top-load gym)
All renovations involve adding seating to mezzanine and constructing a separate strength and conditioning building north of current gym Current Seating: 900 (480 home, 420 visitor) Option 1: Two bleachers on mezzanine but doesn’t change aisles. Adds 580 seats. $520,000 Option 2a: Aisles line up with aisles on floor. Adds 540 seats. $577,000 Option 2b: Same as 2a but replaces all bleachers and remove 2 rows on current home side for team seating. Adds 504 seats. $670,000
Option 3: Removes mezzanine, centers court, replaces locker rooms, and adds seats depending on size of seats. Cost: $2.4 to $2.5 million. A new gym may be a better investment than Option 3.
These recommendations do not consider a timeline, which will depend upon enrollment growth. Recommendations put a higher priority on classroom space. Cost estimates are subject to change. 7-8 Building: $6.2 million Two, three-room pre-planned additions at SGES: $1.2 million Surface/Resurface all parking lots: $500,000 Add upstairs restroom at WES: $100,000 Total Cost of Recommendations: $8 million
Renovate gym with Option 2b or add new gym depending on enrollment growth Add stage extension or build new auditorium depending on enrollment growth and cafeteria/kitchen renovation needs Consider baseball/softball complex a “want” to be added as a separate bond issue question if funding is available Consider redesigning 7-8 building to include district office