LAUNCH Manual Routines and Procedures
Teacher Effectiveness 1.Organizing and managing classroom activities. 2. Presenting instructional material. 3. Teacher-student relationships.
1. Objective “Management skills are crucial. Classroom management has a tremendous impact on student achievement.” Harry Wong
2. Standards Accomplished Practice #9 – Learning Environments. Creates and maintains positive learning environments in which students are actively engaged in learning, social interaction, cooperative learning, and self-motivation.
3. Anticipatory Set What will it be today?
4. Teaching Procedures, like behavior, are taught in the same ways that content is taught. Established routines and procedures are an instrumental component of a successful teacher.
Class Routine Procedures
1) Classroom Arrangement Classroom arrangement is important for attendance, discipline, and learning environment.
Guided Practice How would you arrange the desks for your grade/subject for the following activities? Provide for 3 more examples
Guided Practice Students are asked to read a chapter section and answer questions. Individual seat work.
Guided Practice Students are engaged in data collection. Small group activity.
Guided Practice Students share their opinions on topics. Small group discussion.
Guided Practice Students are asked to exchange papers and give peer review. Students are in pairs.
Guided Practice Students are taking a quiz. Individual seat work.
Guided Practice Students are completing 5 math word problems where they draw diagrams and explain their answers. Students are in pairs.
2) Beginning Class The first five minutes of class can make or break the lesson.
Guided Practice Identify (in discussion mode) activities they could use to begin the class: Warm-up problems. Record the plan of the day. Copy the new vocabulary words from the board. Journal.
3) Ending Class The teacher dismisses the students, not the bell.
Guided Practice List 5 “end of class” activities to fill out the lesson that runs short: review from a previous lesson. introduce a challenging puzzle. state a bit of trivia relating to your subject. reflect on what you have learned. state how this would look in your room.
4) Handling Papers Collecting and returning papers needs to be efficient and non-disruptive.
Guided Practice Discuss various methods of collecting and returning student papers: pass papers to the left or right. sort papers by seat numbers before returning. spread folded papers with name exposed on a counter or table for students to pick up as they enter the room.
5) Keeping the Classroom Orderly Classroom procedures are reviewed frequently.
Guided Practice Design a policy for your classroom with 5 or fewer rules.
6. Formats for Written Work The teacher should demonstrate to the students how they want their written work completed.
7) Asking Questions Subject content questions are addressed during teacher lecture; student centered questions (restroom, individual needs) are appropriate during student activity time.
8) Leaving the Classroom Requests for permission to go to lockers, restroom, nurse, or office should occur during student activity time, not during teacher lecture time.
9) Materials Needed for Class Prepare a list of materials the students need before the school year begins.
Guided Practice Prepare a list of materials the students will need for your class.
10. Class Interruptions The teacher needs to address the interruption and then immediately return to the subject or activity.
11. Class Discussions Three examples of styles that engage students are: teacher directed. group directed. debate style.
12) Emergencies and Drills Communicate the drill procedure on the first day and review posted exit diagrams throughout the year.
13) Gaining Class Attention Some suggestions include: teacher proximity. teacher silence. music for transition. rhythm signal. sound signal. hand signal. calling the student’s name. group alert.
14) Planning Your Time Students are first, class time should not be utilized for planning.
15. Checking should be checked during non- student time.
16) Parent Communications Communication with parents involves: phone calls. s. newsletters. parent conferences. student/parent contracts. syllabus and webpage.
Independent Practice Discuss in a small group how you will communicate with the parents. Design a student/parent contract for your class.
17) Grading Papers Papers should be graded/returned to the students as soon as possible; because testing is part of the learning process.
18) Recording and Posting Grades Graded papers should be recorded immediately. Posted grades provide information on personal progress and performance.
19) Filing papers Keep track of tests, assignments, notes, activities, projects, and labs.
20) Photo copying Plan ahead, put papers to be copied in a folder. Copy machines break down at the most inconvenient time.
21) Creating lesson plans If you are not given a particular format to use for your lesson plans, find one that best fits your style or subject matter.
Guided Practice Design a lesson plan using the Madeline Hunter format.
22) Your Desk Establish your file cabinet, closet, book shelves and desk. Have a student desk located away from your desk that has stapler, tape, and tissues.
23) Administrative Tasks Pay attention to requests from administration for surveys, lists, and tasks that must be completed.
24) Attendance Teachers are required by law to keep attendance records.
25) Student Information At the beginning of the school year, gather information about each student.
26) Substitute Plans Plan ahead for being absent: school contact person. updated roster. seating chart. detailed lesson plan.
Independent Practice List the two ways to request a substitute teacher. Be specific with details, names, and phone numbers for your school.
27) Prearranged Absences The types of leave are: Professional. Personal. Comp time.
Independent Practice List the ways to accrue comp time. How do you record and use comp time? What are the different types of leave?
6. Closure What are the 3 steps for establishing classroom procedures? Repeat. Reflect. Modify.