Do Now: Ernest Hemingway once made a bet that he could write an entire story in under 10 words. Here’s his submission: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Consider what elements are necessary for a story to be complete and complete the following: 1.Did Hemingway win the bet? Why or why not? 2.Attempt this yourself. Try to write a complete story in less than 10 words.
Do Now: Need inspiration? Let’s take a look at these. these Let’s hear some examples from the class.
Homework Review classroom policies. Complete the summer reading assignment; the written portion of the assignment is due Monday. For Pre-AP, The Color of Water is due first. Purchase necessary supplies for class.
Infer, Imply, and Predict “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” For me, Hemingway accomplishes his goal but only because he offers the reader an emotional pull by implying that the mother (main character) lost the baby. How? We, as the audience, must infer this event from the clues he provides to get what’s really going on. Then we begin to predict the whole story in our heads, feeling satisfied.
Let’s put it together now. Infer vs. Imply? The best way to remember is to think in terms of communication: it consists of a message, a sender, and a receiver. The sender can imply, but the receiver can only infer. The error that usually occurs is that the word infer is mistakenly used for imply. WRONG: Are you inferring that I am a fool? RIGHT: Are you implying that I am a fool?
Let’s put it together now. Infer vs. Predict? Predicting is a type of “forward inferring”, whereas other inferring happens while looking back, or at the present moment of reading. Making an inference requires a clue in the text pointing to some deeper meaning or hidden information. In making a prediction, you use clues from the text but must creatively guess also.
Now you try. Is it necessary to imply, infer, or predict to understand this comic?
Now you try. Is an implication, inference, or prediction being made in this comic?
Writing Assignment Take a moment to predict the personal outcomes of the school year for yourself. How will you have changed? How will your life be different? At school? At home? At work? Now, compose a friendly letter to yourself in May The first half of the letter’s body needs to be a snapshot of you at the beginning of the year. The first half of the letter’s body needs to be a snapshot of you at the beginning of the year. The second half needs to be a predictive snapshot of yourself at the end of the year. The second half needs to be a predictive snapshot of yourself at the end of the year. Parts of a Friendly Letter: Heading SalutationBodyClosingSignature Need an example?
Contact Information Room 210 (901) , ext Class website:
Instructions: As I review classroom norms, policies, and procedures, come one at a time to get a syllabus and print and sign your name to verify that you received it. After receiving the syllabus, please follow along and make notes.
Classroom Norms · Bring all necessary materials everyday and take them with you when you leave. · Be in your seat and working when the tardy bell rings. · Refrain from disruptive or distracting behavior. · Treat each person with dignity and respect. · All assignments must be submitted on time; if you are absent, it’s due the next school day. · No food or drink in the classroom; you may have a water bottle with a lid. · Abide by all procedures and policies in the Central High and Shelby County School handbooks. · Above all, exhibit the mindset and maturity representative of a Central High Warrior.
Consequences for Noncompliance 1st offense—Student teacher conference 2nd offense—Parent contact 3rd offense—Parent conference 4th offense—Administrative referral
Rewards 1. Bonuses: extra credit points, drop- grades, or homework passes. 2. Praise: positive phone call, note, or home to parent/guardian. 3. Tangible rewards: pencils, candy, stickers, etc.
Supplies Necessary in class everyday (1) 3-ring binder notebook college ruled notebook paper pencil and/or pen (black or blue ink only)
Supplies Needed during certain units/lessons Summer reading: –Traditional: The Glass Castle –Pre-AP: The Color of Water and A Gathering of Old Men Other novels/texts: TBD Posters and art supplies Access to a computer
Tutoring My availability for tutoring is Monday from 2:15 until 3:15 and Tuesday from about 2:20 until 3:15 after school in room 210. If you attend, you must stay the entire time in accordance with school policy.
Grading 10% Homework 20% Participation 20% Classwork 50% Assessments
Tardies, Absences, Make-Up Work, and Extensions. Don’t be tardy. When the bell rings, I will shut my classroom door and you will be required to get an admit. If you are absent, YOU are responsible for turning in the necessary excuse and getting ALL make-up assignments. Late work will not be accepted in this class. If you are absent, it’s due the next school day. One-day extensions on major assignments will be granted at the loss of 20 points. This does NOT apply to homework.
Zero Tolerance Items Weapons of any kind Hostile, sexual, or any other unwanted physical contact. Profanity, bullying, or any type of verbal harassment or disrespect. Cell phones, mp3 players, headphones, or any other electronic devices are not allowed to be used. Inappropriate uniform (too revealing or gang colors).
Classroom Procedures/Boundaries Attention/Participation Practice tracking the speaker at all times. Class participation is a grade, so I expect everyone to participate regularly. Talking and participation aren’t always the same things. Focus your questions, hold your non- sequiturs, and eliminate all outbursts. A head down may not be asleep, but it is not paying attention. Do NOT do this.
Classroom Procedures/Boundaries Demeanor/Attitude/Character Do not check or disrespect anyone. Even done in the slightest will receive consequences. Do not argue with my instruction or my decisions. I am the classroom director, judge, referee, and boss; what I say goes. I don’t want to control your opinions, but I do want to control your behavior. More than anything, I want a positive, mature learning environment that supports every learner. Help me with this.
Classroom Procedures/Boundaries Speaking/Listening Only one person may speak at a time; this applies to whole-group and small-group activities. You must be called on to speak. Do not interrupt under any circumstances. Floor Movement Do not get on the floor unless necessary (for tissue, pencil sharpening, or if instructed to). Then, make sure no one else is also up.
Classroom Procedures/Boundaries Classroom Door Once class has begun, do not touch my door unless instructed to do so. This is absolute; do not contest it with me. Classroom and Personal Property Do not go in my cabinets, on or in or behind my desk, on any computers, or in anyone’s backpacks, bags, or purses. Do not touch anyone’s personal property without permission. My iPad is off limits until further notice.
Classroom Procedures/Boundaries Electronic Devices If I see a screen light up or I hear it, I will confiscate it and turn it in. If you refuse to turn a device in, administrators will be called. Desktop Etiquette No food or drink. Water only. No purses or bags on your desk or in your lap during class. No backpacks worn during class time. Do not apply make-up or fix hair.
Classroom Procedures/Boundaries Restroom Use You need to use the restroom before you come to class. I will refuse most requests to go. It must be a real emergency. To request the restroom, you must raise three fingers. You might be ignored. Excuses I don’t like them; I don’t want to hear them; make sure you don’t use them with me.
Questions? I know it’s a great deal of information to remember, but you will have a short quiz on this presentation tomorrow.