Engineering Technology Rules and Procedures Mr. Brooks
Rules Be Ready! Be Respectful! Be Responsible!
Consequences 1 st offense: immediately correct behavior 2 nd offense: see Mr. Brooks after class 3 rd offense: call parents 4 th offense: office referral
Procedures Arrival You will need: 3-ring binder, paper, pencil, and planner every day. Place all book bags, purses, and any other materials not listed above at your work station After stowing your gear, please take your assigned seat. You are now ready to start class.
Procedures continued When the bell rings, we are ready to work. We will start every day with a Bell Ringer. Work quickly and quietly. If you need help Only with your group 12-inch voices
Grading Policy Tests = 50 % of your grade. Quizzes, labs, and other classwork and homework = 50 % of your grade. We will be working together in a cooperative learning environment. You will have the opportunity to learn as a small group, and to practice what you have learned on your own.
Grading Policy continued = A = B = C = D Below 70 = F
Tests and Quizzes Quizzes are formative assessments and may be taken as many times as needed to earn a passing grade. Tests are summative assessments and may only be taken once. Be prepared!
Make-up Work If you are absent, you will have 1 day for every day absent to turn in any missing work. You must get your missing work from the website. Do this on your own time, not during class.
Make-up Work When the assignment is complete, turn it into the in box. Some assignments may be turned in digitally on the website. You are responsible for all missing work.
Make-up Work If you miss a lab, you must: Take the assignment home to complete (or catch up) or See me after school or during tutoring. Manage your time wisely. Due dates will not be extended for assignments given well in advance.
Late Work If your assignment is not turned in on time, 1 letter grade will be deducted for every day it is late.
Restroom Passes Try to take care of your restroom needs between classes. If you must utilize the restroom, follow the appropriate procedure. We will take a restroom break half- way through class. Do not disturb other classes.
Student Resources Student resources: Pencil sharpener 3-hole punch Kleenex Hand sanitizer Stapler
Student Resources Use these resources: before class during break or after class.
Student Resources You are required to bring paper and pencil with you to class. You may purchase a pencil for $0.25 and paper for $0.05.
Other Procedures Tornado drill Fire Drill Lock Down Bomb Threat Earthquake Off-Limits areas
Other Procedures Food and drink Gum Trash Computer use Calculator use Dismissal (teacher, not the bell)
SLANT SLANT is an acronym that we will use to help us prepare to meet the rigors of learning. Sit up straight Listen to the speaker Answer and ask questions Nod your head Track the speaker
Hand Signals We use hand signals to prevent distraction and to communicate our needs to the teacher. See posted signs.
Give Me 5! If we are in groups and the teacher needs your attention: “Give me 5!” You count down “4…3…2…1” 1 Lips closed 2 Ears listening 3 Eyes on teacher 4 Hands free 5 Body still