DO-NOW… Pick up paper near my desk. Signed syllabus out on your desk to be checked Write homework in Agenda Start Do Now!
How comfortable are you with using textbooks? NOT comfortable to VERY comfortable We will be using the Cultural Landscape textbooks
“Global thinkers” WHAT IS GLOBAL STUDIES??
GLOBAL STUDIES… Global studies will help us become “global thinkers” in every sense. Drawing from fields as different as geography, music, political science, and ecology, we will look at the connections between nations and peoples and the trends that shape our lives. In Global studies we will compare regions across the globe to shed light on world issues. We will study many different areas, including political science, economics, language, and cultural. “[Global studies] is a field that emphasizes the interconnections and interactions among phenomena, whether commodities, migrations, or popular music.”
IT HELPS TO BE... Flexible. Sometimes you’ll need to look at the big picture; at other times you’ll need to zoom in for an in-depth study of a particular region or nation.
MATERIALS NEEDED 1.Agenda 2.SSR Book 3.Writing utensils 4.Homework folder 5.Binder: One Tab for GS only! 6.Notebook for GS ONLY!!
TEXTBOOK We will be using the Cultural Landscape textbooks These books MUST stay inside of the classroom Books are brand new and should remain that way. (You will be assigned a number that will correlate to your computer and desk)
BEGINNING CLASS 1.Enter class at a level ONE & Pick up Do-Now Near my desk 2.MUST be in your seat when the bell rings & SILENTLY working at your desk 3.Homework must be completed and ON your desk 4.Copy HW assignment in agenda 5.Complete Do-Now/SSR (NO other work) 6.All other belongings placed UNDER your chair, NOT in the aisles
THE PERFECT STUDENT TABLE: (All other materials under your desk) # SSR Agenda Homework Do Now Pen / Pencil Name Tent
GENERAL CLASS AGENDA When I call class to attention, we will review the DoNow Quiz, Test, Project, We will then review the homework New lesson will be introduced Individual/partner/group time Exit ticket/review
HOMEWORK o Homework must be completed by the time you walk into class o Homework must be placed on right corner of desk o Do not work on ANY homework in class o Cheating/copying?? o Homework must be legible o Must be in COMPLETE SENTENCES
WHAT IS 100% EFFORT?? No Homework? You will earn a LaSalle. Can I turn it in later? Only receive 50% credit the same day. LaSalle. Incomplete Homework? You will earn a LaSalle. What if I missed ONE question? LaSalle.
PROJECTS/PRESENTATION o We will complete roughly 2 projects per quarter. o These small projects will prepare you for a big research project at the end of the year. o These projects and the presentation are a large part of your grade o You MUST be here to support your group/team o Everyone is expected to participate and work on the assigned project
TESTS/QUIZZES o There will be bi-weekly quizzes o You are responsible for making up missed quizzes after school by appointment o There will be 4 major exams throughout the year o Keep ALL work to use to study from. Notes, worksheets, readings.
USING THE RESTROOM o If you need to use the restroom, we will use the “restroom” hand sign. o Try not to ask when I am giving instructions o Use your MCPs wisely o No MCP? It will cost you 1 demerit to use the restroom for missing class time. o If you really need to go, make sure you get my attention (quietly)
FIRE DRILL In the event of a fire drill: Leave ALL of your belongings inside of the class Immediately stand up & line up SILENTLY outside the classroom Follow Ms. Shadid down the stairwell SILENTLY Any talking will earn you 4 demerits Once at park, I will take attendance DO NOT make any other stops along the way
OFFICE HOURS IF we make an appointment for a meeting or a make up quiz/work and you don’t show you will get a warning. Second time… will earn you 4 demerits
ICE BREAKER Name (First & Last) What is one word that describes you best?