Renovation of Niagara Springs Steelhead Hatchery LSRCP Hatchery Production Meeting March 13, 2013
Project Goals Create a larger indoor nursery environment for steelhead eggs and fry with natural photoperiod Eliminate fish pathogens from influent spring water Remove debris from influent and effluent spring water Repair deteriorating concrete raceways Replace bird control netting Expand administrative workspace, shop and storage buildings
Phase 1 Construction 2012
Phase 2 Construction 2013
Site Design Priorities: Retain gravity flow water source Provide pathogen free water for incubation and indoor rearing Install a vat size and quantity that allows an even distribution of fish when moved into outdoor raceways Provide ability to rear fish indoors until they were large enough for marking Challenges with space for hatchery building: Building requires a large footprint with little land available Back wall of hatchery building supports the entrance road Need to maintain access between raceways and hatchery building for fish tankers Creating a vat room layout that included enough space for the vats while maintaining a clear separation of the two different stocks
Existing Indoor Rearing: Total number of vats = 21 Vat dimensions: 8’L x 2.5’W x 2.5’D Rearing volume per vat: 37.5 ft 3 Max flow for incubation = ~ 3 cfs Max flow per vat = 47.6 gpm Max density index = 0.88 lbs/cf/in Max flow index = 0.70 lbs/gpm/in Approx. eggs/fry per vat = ~ 50,000 Split inventory – eggs & fry Size at transfer to outdoor raceways = 1,000 fpp
Indoor Rearing Design Criteria: Total number of vats = 38 (16 OFH, 22 PFH) Vat dimensions: 50’L x 4’W x 3.5’D Rearing volume per vat : 552 ft 3 Max flow for incubation = 18 cfs Max flow per vat = 212 gpm Max density index = 0.35 lbs/cf/in Max flow index = 0.85 lbs/gpm/in Approx. eggs/fry per vat = ~ 55,000 Entire inventory received as eyed eggs Target size at transfer to outdoor raceways = 90 fpp (at marking)
Intake & Filter Building: Water source → Niagara Springs middle pool via RVTC canal Maintain gravity flow No in-stream work (BRS) Flow meters per IDWR requirements Two sets of drum and disc filters for different size debris 2 drum filters – 100 µm 2 disk filters – 30 µm Full 18 cfs can be passed through either set of filters without affecting operation Filters and backwash spray system operated on timer or head differential
UV System: Pathogens of concern: Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis (IHN) Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) Furunculosis Enteric Red Mouth (ERM) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) Whirling Disease (WD) Cold Water Disease (CWD) Nucleospora salmonis UV doses for inactivation of these pathogens → 5, ,000 mJ/cm 2 All but IPN inactivated at 40,000 mJ/cm 2 or below IPN requires system that is 3-4 times larger
Design dose = 60,000 mJ/cm 2 (minimum dose at end of lamp life) Total of three UV vessels –2 for operation, 1 backup UV system alarming: –Lamp failure –Low dose Generator backup for filter building and UV system UV System (continued)…
Vat Room Size of vat room: –Old vat room = 1,340 ft 2 –New vat room = 18,500 ft 2 Number of rearing vats: –Old vat room = 21 vats –New Vat room = 38 vats Total rearing volume: –Old vats = 750 ft 3 –New vats = 21,000 ft 3 Natural lighting
Additional Rooms Feed Room –Storage of palletized feed –Workbench for weighing feed Egg Room –Receive, enumerate and disinfect eyed eggs –Laboratory use Boot Room –Vat room gear storage Mud Room –Remove outdoor gear –Water fountain –Restroom Visitor Room –View of vat room –Display tank –Information, brochures, etc. –Water fountain –Restroom
Administrative Area Office –Manager’s office –3 Workstations –Seasonal room Conference Room –Break/lunch room –School tours –Meetings
Phase 2 Raceway water intake modifications Outdoor raceway modifications Bulk feed storage modifications Bird netting modifications Install discharge traveling screens Construct shop building Construct storage building
Raceway Water Intake Leaf debris during the spring and fall plugs head screens and tail screens on raceways Can be unpredictable - frequent monitoring by staff during peak loads and stormy weather Install stainless steel inclined traveling screens to remove most debris Operate on automated schedule or head differential Traveling screen openings the same as raceway screens
Raceway Modifications Total of 19 raceways –14 original from 1966, 5 additional in modification Repair or replace raceway walls (original 14 raceways) –Concrete cracking and spalling –Rusting and deterioration of keyways Replace steel keyways in original 14 raceways with stainless steel keyways to address corrosion Install additional keyways in all 19 raceways –Keyways currently at 100 foot intervals –Install additional stainless steel keyways at 50 foot intervals
Traveling Bridge Replacement Split large traveling bridge into 2 smaller bridges –Reduce maintenance on bridges Eliminate racking, derailing Switch to more reliable direct drive power system Allow for bird netting supports on raceway wall Replace all feeders
Bulk Feed Storage Raise height of bulk feed storage hoppers to allow personnel to perform maintenance more easily Raise height of feed conveyor system to eliminate the risk of head injuries Bird Netting Install support system on raceway wall to reduce sag Replace existing 2-3” mesh bird netting with ¾” mesh netting
Discharge Traveling Screens Issues with large mats of algae breaking loose and leaving ponds –NPDES concerns –Plugging RVTC screen Two discharge points: Niagara Springs Creek and RVTC canal Install stainless steel inclined traveling screens to remove debris Similar design and operation to system at raceway intake
Shop Building Bigger shop area –640 ft 2 vs. 880 ft 2 Gear room –Store gear used in raceways Restroom Drinking fountain Mechanical room Lab room –NPDES sampling equipment –Pathology Storage bay with mezzanine Vehicle Bay
Storage Building Lawn equipment storage Large center bay for 10-ft raceway screen storage Other miscellaneous storage Covered, fenced outdoor storage area Bulk fuel storage
Project Summary Address Operational Constraints Enlarge incubation and early rearing for improved fish health Reduce maintenance and repair costs Improve predator control Enlarge office workspace Incorporate Modern Fish Culture Technology Water filtration and UV disinfection Improve bio-security State-of-the art alarming and standby power Debris removal screening