Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery
DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know?
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? School hours 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Supplies pencils (mechanical is the best) (no pencil lead on the desk) (know how to sharpen wooden pencils)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Supplies pencils (mechanical is the best) (no pencil lead on the desk) (know how to sharpen wooden pencils) paper (3-holed, wide ruled)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Supplies pencils (mechanical is the best) (no pencil lead on the desk) (know how to sharpen wooden pencils) paper (3-holed, wide ruled) Kleenex (provide your own)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Do not bring pens
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Do not bring pens markers/highlighters
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Do not bring pens markers/highlighters toys
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Do not bring pens markers/highlighters toys hand-held pencil sharpeners
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Do not bring pens markers/highlighters toys hand-held pencil sharpeners glue/glue sticks
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Do not bring pens markers/highlighters toys hand-held pencil sharpeners glue/glue sticks scissors
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Behavior Talk (with respect)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Behavior Talk (with respect) Hands (keep to yourself)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Behavior Talk (with respect) Hands (keep to yourself) Ears (listen vs. hearing)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Behavior Talk (with respect) Hands (keep to yourself) Ears (listen vs. hearing) There is no, “I was just playing.”
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Rules Stay in seat
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Rules Stay in seat Only talk when appropriate
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Rules Stay in seat Only talk when appropriate Always be on task (we are never done, we just move on to the next assignment)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Restroom Stay in line
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Restroom Stay in line Stay silent
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Restroom Stay in line Stay silent Go in, do your business, get out
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Restroom Stay in line Stay silent Go in, do your business, get out Push on soap dispenser once (if no soap comes out, then it is empty, there is no need to continue pushing it)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Schedule
ScheduleMr. PryorGrade 5Room 153 TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:45- 11:15 Language Arts/ Social Studies Language Arts/ Social Studies Language Arts/ Social Studies Language Arts/ Social Studies Language Arts/ Social Studies 11:15- 12:15 Rotation 5E/F Rotation 5E/F Rotation 5E/F Rotation 5E/F Rotation 5E/F 12:15- 12:45 Lunch 12:45- 1:15 Character education 1:15-2:30Math 2:30-3:30Science 3:30Dismissal D i s c o v e r y
Date5E5F Sept. 3 – Oct. 1DanceArt Oct. 2 – Oct. 30EngineeringDance Oct. 31 – Dec. 3SpanishEngineering Dec. 4 – Jan. 17Creative CommunicationSpanish Jan. 21 – Feb. 19Investigative ScienceCreative Communication Feb. 20 – Mar. 27Phys. Ed.Investigative Science Mar. 28 – May 2ChoirPhys. Ed. May 5 – June 5ArtChoir Rotation schedule D i s c o v e r y
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Grading A – 93 – 100 B – 85 – 92 C – 75 – 84 D – 65 – 74 F – below 65 Everything you do in here may be graded.
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery What do I need to know? Website Go to district website Scoll down, under “For Students” click on “Teacher Websites” click on “Discovery Program” click on my name
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters Writing
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters Writing Small groups
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters Writing Small groups Teacher reads
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters Writing Small groups Teacher reads Writing
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters Writing Small groups Teacher reads Writing Spelling
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Language Arts Silent reading Book letters Writing Small groups Teacher reads Writing Spelling Poetry
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math Addition
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math Addition Subtraction
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math Addition Subtraction Multiplication
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Fractions
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Math Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Fractions Binder (use as a study guide)
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Science
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Science Physical Science
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Science Physical Science Life Science
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Science Physical Science Life Science Earth Science
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies Government
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies Government Religion
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies Government Religion Achievements
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies Government Religion Achievements People
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies Government Religion Achievements People Economy
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Social Studies Government Religion Achievements People Economy Geography
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery “The longer I love, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church....a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.” ― Charles R. SwindollCharles R. Swindoll
Mr. Pryor 5 th grade DiscoveryDiscovery Questions???