Bell Work 8/7 Get out your English materials, and write your name in SHARPIE on the binder, folders, and notebook. – Binder * – 2 folders * – composition notebook * – pencils/pens/highlighters – Flash drive – paper
While I check for materials Label the tabs on your binder: –Bell Work –Vocabulary –Reading –Writing –Returned Work
Mrs. Drum’s Classroom Procedures Fill in the blanks of your guided notes as we go along.
Fire Drill and Tornado Procedures (not in notes) For a fire drill— – SILENTLY walk single file out the door – down the CENTER STAIRS – out the FRONT DOOR – to the FRONT LAWN on center sidewalk For a tornado drill— – SILENTLY walk single file out the door – down the CENTER STAIRS – to the TEACHERS’ LOUNGE
Entry Procedures When you walk into the classroom, you are expected of THREE things: 1. Bring all necessary supplies. If you forget a pencil or paper, be sure to borrow one from a buddy or let me know before the bell rings. 2. As soon as you sit down, immediately begin working on the day’s bell work. You are expected to begin working even before the bell rings. 3. Once you’re in, you’re IN. Do not drop off your materials and go back out of the room.
Exit Procedures 1. Be sure to clean up your area. If the classroom is not clean, I will hold all students in the room until it meets my requirements. It doesn’t matter who made the mess, someone will need to clean it up. 2.Align your desks with the yellow tape on the floor. 3. All students must be seated before you can be released—even if the bell rings. I will wait until all students are seated before I allow you to leave.
Get-Attention Procedures 1.To get your attention, I will ask for your eyes and ears. I will not give any further instructions until I have 100% of students’ eyes on me. 2.I expect you to SLANT when your peers or I speak. S IT UP L EAN FORWARD A SK QUESTIONS N OD YOUR HEAD T ALK TO YOUR TEACHER/ T RACK THE SPEAKER
Procedures to Move from Your Desk 1.If you need to sharpen your pencil or get a tissue, you may do so without asking permission. HOWEVER, you should avoid getting from your desk while I am speaking or a peer is speaking. 2. Be as quiet as possible when getting up from your desk. Do not distract anyone on your way to the pencil sharpener, trashcan, or tissues. 3. Move swiftly. Do not run, but please do not take more time than necessary.
Restroom Break Procedures 1.If you need to use the restroom during class, fill out an agenda hall pass, and bring it to me to sign. This is your way of asking to use the restroom. (Therefore, there is NO reason to raise your hand to ask.) 2. Wait until I am finished teaching/speaking to bring your agenda. Always ask yourself, “Is this an appropriate time to ask?”
Procedures to Get into Groups 1. Do not move until I instruct you to do so. I will usually give you instruction before I assign groups, so it is important to actively listen. 2.When I ask you to move to your groups, move as swiftly and quietly as possible. There is no reason for conversation. 3. Cooperate with your group members and stay on task.
Quickwrite You have two minutes: Why do you think it is important to follow these procedures? What does following these procedures help us do?
Quiz in FIVE minutes! Take time to review! You will take a 10-question, multiple- choice quiz in five minutes over these procedures.