CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION INDABA THE WAY FORWARD: Provide a platform for interactive debate in order to develop transformed policies that aid efficient and effective service delivery in the arts, culture and heritage field in line with the current vision of Cabinet to make the Western Cape a home for all
THE WAY FORWARD: CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION IS A PROCESS, NOT AN EVENT! PHASE 1: Report on the Cultural Transformation Indaba of August 2004 Ensure contact details have been provided in order for a copy of the Executive Summary te be distributed to you The deliberations of the Indaba will be taken into account by the Department in the development of its Strategic Plan 2005/6 – 2007/08
THE WAY FORWARD: PHASE 2: Policy review and development: Reference Group to be appointed by the Department to assist in the drafting of the policy (maximum of 5 persons) Sectorial Task Teams to be established to represent the various sectors in arts and culture, heritage resources, museums, language, funding and institutional arrangements and the social and economic impact to provide input in the drafting of the new policy
THE WAY FORWARD: PHASE 3: SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2004 One-day workshop of various sectorial Task Teams to meet in September and October 2004 to make inputs into the drafting of the policy and also to make inputs into a proposed Western Cape Cultural Transformation Charter PHASE 4: NOVEMBER 2004 Draft policy to be available in November 2004
THE WAY FORWARD: PHASE 5: NOVEMBER 2004 Cultural Impact Conference to be held in Cape Town in November 2004 at the Cape Town Convention Centre One-day Indaba on the day PRIOR to Cultural Impact Conference to be held to report on and discuss the draft policy
THE WAY FORWARD: PHASE 6: MARCH 2005 Follow-up Indaba on the Cultural Transformation Indaba to discuss and ratify the draft policy and Cultural Transformation Charter PHASE 7: 2004/5 In the Department, a parallel process will run to review current policy and legislation and develop new legislation, but it will and must be influenced by new policy that is being developed.
THE WAY FORWARD: PHASE 8: A 2010 Arts and Culture Task Team to be appointed in September 2004