Wednesday – Draw a Picture FederalRatify
We will compare the various compromises that came up during the Philadelphia Convention using a T-chart & notes.
The problem REPRESENTATION whoever has the most representatives will have the most power WHO SHOULD COUNT?
Questions to Consider How should the problem of representation be in Congress be solved? Should it be based on population? Should there be an equal number of representatives from each state? How should slaves be counted in each state’s population? Should slave trading be permitted? How should the issue of runaway slaves be addressed? Pass out questions from COW/ History Alive
Two Ideas Take Shape Virginia Plan Edmund Randolph Number of legislative representatives for each state determined by the population of that state Therefore: If your state has more people, you get more representatives New Jersey Plan William Paterson Each state gets one representative vote, no matter the population
What about Slavery? The South said –We need to count everyone in our population for representation The North said –You can’t count slaves in your population, unless you want to also give them the right to vote
The Compromises The Great Compromise Bicameral (two house) legislature – one chosen by state’s total population and one based on equality of states. The 3/5 Compromise 3/5 slaves will count toward a state’s total population and toward how much a state owes for tax purposes.