ALL RUGBY SCHOOLS (ARS) ELITE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (EDP) MyFamily Mobile are delighted to Sponsor the All Rugby Schools (ARS) Elite Development Programme (EDP). It underlines our commitment to grow participation in the sport, help develop and inspire the next generation of rugby players, and hopefully unearth stars of the future. The programme will encourage youngsters to learn about the sport and develop key skills, while providing a sustainable sporting legacy to the community. OXFORD CENTRE FOR INNOVATION | New Road, Oxford, OX1 1BY | Office: | | Url:
Background Colours are a highly prized public recognition of players excellence and commitment to All Rugby School (ARS) Programme. They are traditionally a sporting honour and in the past it has proved difficult to judge. ARS does its best to find relevant equivalent rewards. The nature of these awards has changed over time and they will no doubt change again in the future as ARS direction and aims also change. However, the principles should not change. All nominees for colours must have demonstrated the following criteria: 1.The Player has shown particular commitment to the sport throughout their school career. 2.The Player has shown good leadership skills and qualities. 3.The Player has shown greater ability to work together well with his peers in a team context than might otherwise be expected. 4.The Player has shown high levels of dedication and determination to succeed in an individual or team sport. 5.The Player has to have set an exceptional example: they have been a good ‘role model’ for the rest of the school. 6.The Player has to have been consistently highly motivated and shown a positive attitude towards ARS in both training and in matches. AWARD SCHEME Background
Nomination and Award of Colours Colours are awarded by the head (including half colours). All nominees must be directed to the relevant heads of sections where discussion can then be taken place if necessary. There will then be a colours committee meeting between. All awards (full colours, half colours and second team colours) will include a signed certificate signed by the head and countersigned by the relevant head of section or master in charge of the activity. Full colours are presented at the end of term awards assembly. Ties certificates, blazers and badges are awarded to boys and girls. Half Colours are also presented at the end of term awards assembly – Ties certificates and badges are presented to both girls and boys. Dinners are held by Courageous Dad to honour the awardees. Nomination and Award AWARD SCHEME
Colours Colours is ARSs award cum magna laude (“with great praise”). It should not follow that just because a 1st team player has not been awarded full colours that they should be awarded half colours. The coach in charge of a squad may nominate a player in their particular squad who has fulfilled the criteria and conditions for a discretionary award of Full Colours but not to the same level. The other difference between the levels of award is that they could, extraordinarily, be awarded to a Player who has played in the 2 nd team for a number of years but has fulfilled the criteria as detailed above. Nomination Coach in Charge recommends a player for an Award. Confirmation The relevant ARS Colours Committee will review the recommendations and support or otherwise. Ratification School Head will ratify (or otherwise) the findings of the ARS Colours Committee Colours AWARD SCHEME
There are three (3) levels of awards 1.Full Colours 2.Half Colours, and 3.Second Team Colours Colours Awarded to Players of ARS EDP Second Team Colours Performance to a good standard for a school team. Player has shown demonstrable signs of improvement and a commitment to training Half ColoursConsistently good if not excellent performances as an individual. Full ColoursPerformance to a very high standard in competitive fixtures in an individual or team sport. In most cases full colours will be awarded to Players who have maintained their performance and excellence. Levels AWARD SCHEME
All Rugby Schools (ARS) s ponsorship Elite Development Programme (EDP) for Primary and Secondary Schools GPS Location Safety Alerts One-Touch… when seconds matter.