Budget Recommendation Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD Board of Education Meeting April 9, 2013
Major Impact Items State Aid Uncertainty Asset Sale Reduction – Green Acres Reduction in Fund Balance/Reserve use Property Tax Cap Reduction of Tax Base Contractual increases Retirement System Contribution Increases Focus District Designation Disproportionality Designation Annual Professional Performance Review Possible sequestration legislation
Budget Review Philosophy: No further harm to programs No educational programs are cut No extra-curricular programs are cut No athletic programs are cut Continues Multiple Pathways: Project Lead the Way, Project Gateway, Big Picture School, Career & Technical Education and International Baccalaureate Program Class size guidelines remain at current levels
Class Size Comparison Avg. Size of 5Ken-Ton GradeLarge DistrictsClass Size LevelIn Erie County*Guidelines K *Excludes Buffalo City Schools
Summary Results for Audit of Additional Adults in K-8 Classrooms Percentage of Classrooms by Grade Level K-56-8K-8 At least one additional adult for a portion of the day 82.0%72.5%78% At least one additional adult for 50% of the day 47.5%24.4%37.1% At least two additional adults in the room for a portion of the day 17.5%29.0%22.7%
Developments Since 3/26/13 Budget Work Session New York State budget passed Estimated school district aid runs received Notified of special aid from Assemblyman Schimminger amounting to $50,000 Allowed for a revenue increase of $725,000 Remaining deficit eliminated Reduces the use of Unappropriated Fund Balance Eliminates 1 of the 3-section waivers
State Aid Comparison In Millions of Dollars Approximately the same aid as
State Aid Comparison In Millions of Dollars $8.1 Million reduction since
Changes in Budget Since 3/26/13 ItemNotes Structural Deficit Reduction? Amount State Aid Adjustments Basic Aid N+$800,000 BOCES Aid N-$75,000 Other State Aid Special Aid from Assemblyman Schimminger N+$50,000 Reduce Use of Unappropriated Fund Balance N-$150,000 Eliminate 1 of the 3-section waivers N-$55,000
Changes in Budget Since 3/26/13 ItemNotes Structural Deficit Reduction? Amount Salary Reductions-TRS Benefit reduction related to salary reductions Y+$9,539 Salary Reductions-FICA Benefit reduction related to salary reductions Y+$4,551 Salary Reductions-Health Ins. Benefit reduction related to salary reductions Y+$14,000 TOTAL CHANGES SINCE 3/26/13(Deficit Reduction)-$541,912
Current Budget Status: Deficit Reduction Progress
Recommended Budget Summary ItemAmount Budget$149,015,111 Budget Increase$1,238,495 Budget to Budget % Increase0.84% Tax Levy$75,249,941 Tax Levy Increase$3,350,513 Tax Levy % Increase4.66% Tax Rate$45.20 Tax Rate Increase$2.01 Tax Rate % Increase4.66% Instructional Staff Position Reductions17 Support Staff Position Reductions24 Fund Balance and Reserve Use$10,727,571 Increase on $100,000 Full-Market Value House$95
Historical Budget % Increase Avg. = 3.00%
Use of Fund Balance and Reserves
Other Considerations: TRS Pension Smoothing Option “Stable” rate option for a period of 7 years The rate is 14% for May be adjusted up to 2% in Years 3 and 5 The difference between the stable rate and the actuarial rate will be paid back with interest The difference with interest for Years 1-5 starts to be paid back in Year 6 (for 5 years) in addition to the stable rate
Other Considerations: TRS Pension Smoothing Option Return to the actuarial rate in Year 8 The difference with interest for Years 6-7 starts to be paid back in Year 8 (for 5 years) in addition to the actuarial rate and the continuing payments for Years 1-5 While it may save money in the first year, the total amount paid in the long run will be more due to the interest payments In essence, it “kicks the can down the road” and is not recommended
Other Considerations: Sequestration The effects of the federal sequestration legislation are not yet known The general fund budget has not been increased for sequestration If accommodations must be made, the 2014 year-end fund balance will be adjusted for the school year The structure of the budget allows for dealing with this eventuality
On the Horizon: NRG-Huntley approached the County, Town, and School District to renegotiate its PILOT (Payment In-Lieu-Of Taxes) agreement beginning in This could result in significant revenue loss in the school year Beginning in , our Tax Cap percentage increase will be significantly lower