1Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Economic governance and management Presentation to the ad hoc committee on economic governance and management Pali Lehohla Statistician General 1 November 2005
2Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Structure of presentation To supply quality statistics Purpose of Stats SA Statistics Act Statistics and governance Available statistics Price statistics Labour statistics Industry statistics Government statistics National accounts Socio-economic statistics
3Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt
4Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Purpose of Stats SA Provide a relevant and accurate body of statistics to inform users on the dynamics in the economy and society through the application of internationally acclaimed practices. Benchmarks Statistics Act (Act 6 of 1999) UN Fundamental Principles of official statistics IMF Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS) Report on standards and Codes (ROSC) System of National Accounts (SNA 93) ILO labour markets definitions
5Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Linking statistics and governance Criteria in data quality assessment framework Integrity Methodological soundness Accuracy and reliability Serviceability Acccessability Statistics and governance
6Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Priority areaRelevant statistics National priorities Impact Africa and the world Contribution to statistical development Grow the Economy Create jobs Deliver services Eradicate poverty Improve health GDP and set of economic surveys, CPI, PPI etc LFS and QES GHS, Census, Community survey, Municipal Census GHS, Census, Community survey Mortality statistics
7Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt 95/9600/0105/0610/11 Fragmented statistics Transformation Stabilise & standardise Coherent national statistics Evolution of statistics in Stats SA 1 black manager No social statistics Poor quality Economic statistics First inclusive Census Set of social and employment stats Start business register improvement Second census based on geographic frame 6 (of 19) black SMS members Stabilised social stats Stabilised economic stats Community survey 48 (of 94) black SMS members Improved living conditions information Expanded coverage of economy Census (of 112) black SMS members
8Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Linking statistics and governance Statistics measure previous economic governance and management Various instruments are used Vary according to method, frequency etc Statistics inform future economic management, development and policies Statistics itself are governed by international standards, methodologies and practices SNA93, ILO, UN, SDDS, IMF, World Bank Statistics and governance
9Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Suite of economic statistics Price statistics Monthly CPI(X), PPI Labour statistics Quarterly formal employment, average monthly earnings Industry statistics Monthly, quarterly, annual, periodic variables on economic performance of selected industries Available economic statistics
10Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Suite of economic statistics Government statistics Quarterly and annual financial statistics for 3 levels of government The non-financials for service delivery National Accounts Quarterly and annual measurement of national and regional performance of economy Socio-economic statistics Bi-annual employment and unemployment Periodic measurement of informal economy General Household Surveys Available economic statistics
11Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Economic statistics in Stats SA
12Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Stakeholder satisfaction Degree of importance Price Indices Income & expenditure Poverty information Research and analysis GDP Sectoral economic statistics Business Register Quality and Methodology Financial data Employment (SEE and LFS) General household survey Census 2006 Geography MIS Datawarehouse Parallel samples Prioritisation of challenges in 2003 Attend to urgentlyMaintain and Improve Drop Innovate
13Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Price Indices Income & expenditure Poverty information Research and analysis and CRS Second Economy Construction Service sector Geography MIS Datawarehouse Parallel samples Census 2006 And how it has changed in 2004 Attend to urgentlyMaintain and Improve Drop Innovate GDP Sectoral economic statistics Business Register Quality and Methodology Financial data Employment (SEE and LFS) General household survey Stakeholder satisfaction Degree of importance
14Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt External stakeholders Branding Stats SA Census replacement survey Matching of LFS questionnaires for panel analysis Census 2011 ISI/ Commonwealth Key projects as in 2004 Statistical process Benchmarking/re-basing GDP CPI direct price collection IES diary method Quality improvement survey and BR improvements PPI updating of sample Technology improvements – collection and processing Statistical data management and warehousing Regional offices Geo-referenced dwelling unit frame Governance Risk management Asset management Business process management Assessment of IT infrastructure Investment in the future Internship project Human capacity development
Urgency Degree of importance Short-term Long-term High Urgent to attend Quality control and management Recruitment CPI direct price collection methodology Income and Expenditure Survey Community Survey geo-referenced dwelling frame - setting-up regional offices Re-engineering the Labour Force Survey (methodology) PPI re-weighting Providing Second economy information Statistical capacity development/Training and development strategy DMID Providing Poverty information Economic statistics strategy Managing risks effectively; Internship programme Improving procurement processes and systems; Improving critical stakeholder relations Managing the performance of the organisation Improving support to projects. Long-term initiatives Census 2011 Implementing the NSS Establishing a permanent fieldwork force to collect information on a regional level; Improving the business register Technology for data collection and processing Strategy for vital statistics which includes the population register Role of provinces which will include the decentralization of functions to the provincial offices Improving the legal capacity which includes legal policies ICT strategyCareer pathing Succession planning Employment Equity New Building Maintain & Improve Longitudinal analysis of LFS Causes of death ISI 2009 Gross domestic product Tourism Satellite accounts Maintenance of the master sample Innovative Construction and Tourism statistics Measures for organisational performance Space/office accommodation Policies Geographic spread of economic activity Business process improvement project Document and records management systems Management Information System Research and development Designation of official statistics Branding Common Wealth Conference Effective cash flow management system Asset management Transformation (OD and change management)
16Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Recent improvement in economic statistics Access to taxation data, improved coverage and scope Labour stats improved since 2002 STEE/AME - SEE - QES Economic activity survey: 2002 onwards Short-term series: Level increases 2004 GDP revisions: November 2004 CPI – price colletors IES – diary method Economic statistics in Stats SA
17Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Future improvement in economic statistics Increased scope of short-term indicators, focusing on tertiary sector Improved detail of current short term indicators Maintaining the rotation of the LSS Increase the scope of the EAS Improved IES and price statistics Frequent measurement of informal sector Economic statistics in Stats SA
18Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconGovMgt Economic governance and management Presentation to the ad hoc committee on economic governance and management Pali Lehohla Statistician General 1 November 2005