SSCs in Edinburgh Simon Riley Director of SSCs Senior Lecturer (non-clinical) Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Format of Edinburgh SSCs SSC11 st year Research project Small group Over 10 weeks Jan-Mar SSC22 nd Year Websites (two) Small group Two with 10 sessions each Sept-Dec Jan-Mar SSC33 rd Year ‘Working in teams’ Solo (usually) 4-5 sessions shadowing Oct-Dec SSC44 th Year Research / audit project (‘SSM’) Solo 8 weeks within 14 weeks July-Oct Oct-Feb Feb-May SSC55 th Year‘Elective’Solo 8 weeks Across year SSC5 (b) 4 th -5 th Year Inform career / shadowing Solo Element of choice in clinical attachments Across year
Overall learning outcomes of SSC programme Fundamentally these are ‘core’ objectives in a setting where student has choice of subject Each SSC has a set format, so commonality in overall students’ experience Therefore, students should achieve learning objectives [to a greater or lesser degree] for each SSC and across whole programme Half LOs based around developing ‘research’ skills, half on ‘professional development’
Learning outcomes Twofold –Develop ‘research’ skills critical appraisal and evidence based medicine data analysis informatics –Broad range of professional and personal skills team working communication time/resource management learning competencies, developing for CPD career insight medical ethics
Accumulation of these core skills
Integration of SSCs into ‘core’ Clear timetable commitment Embedded in all five years of course Regarded as a significant part of the course that delivers some of our ‘core’ ‘vertical themes’ Fully integrated into assessment: –end of each year –end of the five years –contribute to distinctions, prizes, etc
Assessment methods Project report (major for SSC4; minor for 1) Tutor feedback –formal and major component (4) –informal and minor (1, 2, 3 and 5) Peer assessment (informal; 1 and 2) Poster presentation (1) Wiki site (2); becomes available externally Information and commentary ‘leaflet’ (3) Informal oral presentation (3) ‘Reflective’ diaries or commentaries (1, 4 and 5) [Oral examination – of portfolio as part of ‘Finals’]
Staff involvement and commitment Staff see some clear benefits in supporting programme [?] motivated students projects can contribute something useful (papers and abstracts) not too onerous? Teaching load spread across large number of staff, and well supported Enthusiasm for promoting their specialty? Find their future SpRs … Either small groups or 1:1 student with staff Large number of staff (spreads teaching with ~270 students per year) SSC1 – 48 facilitators UoE and NHS in and around Edinburgh SSC2 – 69 facilitators UoE and NHS in and around Edinburgh SSC3 – 201 shadowed staff, most outside UoE SSC4 – 165 supervisors UoE and NHS in and around Edinburgh Statistician dedicated to support SSC projects, teaching ‘applied statistics’, and developing web based resources Medical ethicist in support Excellent administrative and course organiser support