Census Stuff Mike Carr Statistician Michigan Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Census History Mandated by Congress in 1787 and took place in 1790 Mandated by Congress in 1787 and took place in 1790 Not finished until 1792 Not finished until 1792 Only 6 questions asked Only 6 questions asked The only name collected was the head of household’s name The only name collected was the head of household’s name
Census History Types of information collected began to expand in 1810 Types of information collected began to expand in 1810 Many census items have became irrelevant and were dropped Many census items have became irrelevant and were dropped
Census History Housing and demographics are the main areas of interest today Housing and demographics are the main areas of interest today A short form and a long form have been developed for the census A short form and a long form have been developed for the census
Census 2000 Forms Short Form (SF1) Long Form (SF3) Does SF stand for “Short Form”? No, it stands for “Summary File”
Census 2000 Forms Short Form (SF1) Intended to be a complete count of all persons in the US Intended to be a complete count of all persons in the US About 300 tables with counts and cross tabulations of race, ethnicity, gender, and age About 300 tables with counts and cross tabulations of race, ethnicity, gender, and age Tables repeated for major race groups and ethnicity Tables repeated for major race groups and ethnicity
Census 2000 Forms Long Form (SF3) 813 tables of socio-economic and housing data 813 tables of socio-economic and housing data Sent to 1 in 6 Households (17%) Sent to 1 in 6 Households (17%)
Population Data from the Long Form (SF3) Ability to speak English AncestryMeans of transportation to work CitizenshipTime of departure for work Language spoken at homeTravel time to work Place of birthVehicle occupancy Migration Year of entryWork limitation status RaceMobility issues Hispanic originPersonal care limitation Disability status Age GenderHours worked Marital statusIncome by type Military status and serviceIndustry Educational attainmentClass of worker School enrollment & type of schoolOccupation RelationshipPlace of work FertilityWeeks worked Poverty statusWork status
Housing Data from the Long Form (SF3) BedroomsMortgage status and owner costs Condominium statusPlumbing facilities Contract rent (monthly rent)Presence and age of own children Cost of utilities and fuelsPresence of subfamilies in household Family incomeProperty value Family, subfamily, & household Real estate taxes relationships Farm status and valueResidence State Fire, hazard, and flood insuranceRooms Food Stamps recipientSewage disposal Fuels usedSource of water Gross rentTelephone in housing unit House heating fuelTenure (how long in home) Household incomeUnits in structure Household typeVacancy status Kitchen facilitiesVehicles available Linguistic isolationYear householder moved into unit Meals included in rentYear structure built
The Census has a big presence on the Internet so we’ll look for our mapping needs there…
Let’s make a cool map on the Internet from Census data and import it into a GIS project…
Can we do anything useful with Census data?
From probably not, but directly from the Summary File 3 files, Yes!
Other than the obvious you will need: 1. “SF3 to Table” software downloaded and installed 2. The “SF3 to Table” manual 3. The UF3 files for Michigan downloaded from census.gov 4. The SF3 table documentation (at least the part that defines available data)
1. Download and Install “SF3 to Table” software ree.htm ree.htm
2. Get and print the “SF3 to Table” manual
3. Get the UF3 files for Michigan
4. SF3 table documentation ree.htm ree.htm