A word about Data & Statistics Question: Statistically speaking, which statement below is more likely to be correct? a) “42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.” - Steven Wright b) “97.3% of all statistics are made up.” ________________________________________________________________________________ -"Five out of four people have trouble with “statistics”" - Steven Wright - "Statistics means never having to say you're certain." - “A statistician can have the head in an oven and the feet in ice, and s/he will say that on the average s/he feels fine.” _______________________________________________ "Statistics are no substitute for judgment." -- Henry Clay 1
Kalamazoo CMHSAS - Coord. Agency - Service area 2
SA Treatment Data in the Kazoo CA area (2011) Source: TEDS
SA Treatment Data in the Kazoo CA area (2011) Source: TEDS
SA Prevention Priority #1: Reduce Under-age Drinking (UAD) Source: 2012 MiPHY 5
SA Prevention Priority #1: Reduce Under-age Drinking (UAD) Source: 2012 MiPHY 6
Some “Contributing Factors” to UAD: 1) Access to alcohol Issues 2) Perception of Risk 3) Perception of Wrongness Source: 2012 MiPHY (High School) 7 BarryBranchCalhounCassKazooS. JosephV. Buren easy or very easy to get alcohol 61.7 % 64.7 % 69.9 % 68.8 % 65.1 % 64.3 % 66.8 % 65.5 % 68.3 % 67.7 % 68.3 % 64.4 %... regular alcohol use: moderate or great risk 73.6 % 67.5 % 69.9 % 69.0 % 71.2 % 70.5 % 76.0 % 76.2 % 74.4 % 74.5 % 70.7 % 74.0 %... alcohol use by peers: wrong or very wrong 66.9 % 58.9 % 59.1 % 57.2 % 63.2 % 63.0 % 68.7 % 65.2 % 62.8 % 59.2 % 59.8 % 64.5 %
Under Age Drinking: Access Issues Source: 2012 MiPHY (High School) 8
Under Age Drinking: The role that parents & friends play in it! Source: 2012 M iPHY (High School) 9 BarryBranchCalhounCassKazooS. JosephV. Buren At home 33%25%23.8%31.3%28.2%32.1%37.4% At another person’s house... (friend, friend of the friend) %71.4%65.5%64.5%58%53.9% Where did you drink alcohol in the past 30 days?
Under Age Drinking: Statistics sometimes become stories of human tragedies! 10 Research: “People who report starting to drink before the age of 15 are four times (4X) more likely to also report meeting criteria for alcohol dependence at some point in life.” (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism – NIAAA)
Alcohol-related traffic Accidents (ARTCs): Statistics often become stories of human tragedies! 11 Year: 2011 All Crashes # Fatalities in all Crashes ARTC Crashes # Fatalities in ARTCs Barry 1, Branch 1, Calhoun 4, Cass 1, Kazoo 7, St. Joe 1, V. Buren 2, ARTCs are much more likely to result in fatalities than other types of vehicle accidents: Source: MI-OHSP
ARTC stats & Community Impact-I Year: 2011All Crashes # Fatalities in all Crashes HBD Crashes # Fatalities in HBD Crashes Barry 1, Branch 1, Calhoun 4, Cass 1, Kzoo 7, St. Joe 1, V. Buren 2, # ARTC Crashes * Barry Branch Calhoun Cass Kzoo St. Joe V. Buren CA Region Source (both tables): MI-OHSP
ARTC stats & Community Impact-II Year: 2011Cost of Fatalities Cost of Injuries Property Destruction Estimated Total Costs Barry $ 7,050,000 $ 914,300 $ 293,700 $ 8,258,000 Branch $ 1,410,000 $ 669,000 $ 222,500 $ 2,301,500 Calhoun $ 4,230,000 $ 2,252,300 $ 1,023,500 $ 7,505,800 Cass $ 1,410,000 $ 579,800 $ 329,300 $ 2,319,100 Kzoo $ 14,100,000 $ 3,590,300 $ 1,610,900 $ 19,301,200 St. Joe $ 4,230,000 $ 602,100 $ 284,800 $ 5,116,900 V. Buren $ 4,230,000 $ 1,115,000 $ 498,400 $ 5,843,400 CA Region $ 36,660,000 $ 9,722,800 $ 4,263,100 $ 50,645, Source: MI-OHSP, and National Safety Council (NSC)
Prevention Priority #1: UAD & Other Alcohol- Related Consequences (Community Strengths) Please list: #1) Strengths & Assets (characteristics, institutions and Resources) of this community which can be used to prevent/reduce UAD & other Alcohol Consequences #2) Actions and ideas that this group can plan and implement in the next 12 months to help prevent/reduce UAD & other destructive Consequences of Alcohol in this County. 14
Another Priority area: R x Drug Abuse Back to the SA Treatment Data Graph (Kazoo CA area, FY 2011) Source: TEDS
R x Drug abuse: DEA Controlled Substance Schedule Chart SCHEDULE I: Drug has no currently accepted medical use in Treatment in the US. SCHEDULE II : Drug has a high potential for abuse. Drug has accepted medical use (with severe restrictions). Drug may lead to severe physical dependence or addiction. Ex: Amphetamine and methylphenidate, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone, morphine, and secobarbital SCHEDULE III : Drug has a high potential for abuse. Drug has accepted medical use (with restrictions). Drug may lead to moderate to high physical dependence or addiction. Ex: Buprenorphine, anabolic steroids and combination drugs like hydrocodone/acetaminophen, and codeine/acetaminophen SCHEDULE IV: Drug has lower potential for abuse /addiction. (Ex: Benzodiazepines) SCHEDULE V: Drug has lower potential for abuse/addiction (Ex: Cough syrups w/Codeine) 16
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce R x Drug abuse RX Drug BarryBranchCalhounCassKazooS. JoeVBYRBS-MI Pain Kill.8.1%9.6%7.4%6.1%7.8%7.4%5.2%12.6% Stimul/ ADHD 5.9%3.2%5.1%3.9%5.7%5.8%5.2%8.2% Barbit.2.0%2.9%1.4%1.1%2.0%2.4%0.6%3.6% Steroids0.9%0.4%0.8%0.0%1.0%0.6% 1.8% Pain Kill.11.1%13.6%14.0% 11.7%16.4%13.3% Stimul/ ADHD 6.1%6.8%7.1% 6.6%9.1%9.4% Steroids7.6%5.5%5.6% 6.3%9.0%10.3% 17 Use of Rx Drugs w/o Medical Prescription in the last 30 days (High school) Use of Rx Drugs w/o Medical Prescription: Life-time use (Middle School) Source: 2012 MiPHY
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce R x Drug abuse 18 Source: 2012 MiPHY
R x Drug abuse: Contributing Factors 19 Source: NIDA (Study on Rx Abuse: Dec/2011) What is Driving high prevalence of non- medical use of Rx drugs? 1. Misperception of safety: They are prescribed by a doctor!... They are made in pharmaceutical labs! 2. Increased availability of Rx drugs in the household (See graph)* 3. Lack of community resources for disposal of unused/expired meds 4. Patterns of prescription of addictive meds by medical professionals are not consistent with guidelines for responsible/ safe prescribing (ONDCP/White House: 2011 “Epidemic/Crisis Doc.)
R x Drug abuse: Household Availability of Rx Drug 20 From 1991 to 2010, prescriptions for stimulants increased from 5 to 45 million; for opioid painkillers from 75.5 to million. Over 50% (in some cases 70% ) of "nonmedical users" of pain relievers, tranquil. stimulants, and sedatives obtained RX drugs from a friend or relative, for free.”
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce R x Drug abuse (Community Strengths) Please list: #1) Strengths & Assets (characteristics and Resources, etc) of this community which can be used to prevent/reduce non-medical use of Rx Drugs. #2) Actions and Ideas that this group can plan and implement in the next 12 months to help prevent, mitigate and reduce non- medical use of Rx Drugs in this County. 21
Another Priority Area: Reduce Marijuana use Back to the SA Treatment Data Graph (Kazoo CA area, FY 2011) Source: TEDS
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce Marijuana use Source: MIPHY
Marijuana Use: Contributing Factors amongst youth 24 Source: 2012 MIPHY
Marijuana Use: Other Contributing Factors (Social Access): HS/School-aged youth in this county report that getting marijuana is "sort of easy or very easy": HS (57.2%); MS (17.8%); Trend (2010): HS (53.6%); MS (16.7%). 2. Decreasing perception of risk and of the harmful consequences of marijuana use by the public in general linked to the Michigan Medical Marihuana law (more social acceptance of non-medical use of mj); 3. Increased illegal availability of marijuana as residual consequence of the MMML.
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce Marijuana Use (Community Strengths) Please list: #1) Strengths & Assets (characteristics and Resources, etc) of this community which can be used to prevent/reduce use of Marijuana and its consequences. #2) Actions and ideas that this group can plan and implement in the next 12 months to help prevent/reduce illegal use of Marijuana in this County. 26
Another Priority Area: Reduce Meth Use Back to the SA Treatment Data Graph (Kazoo CA area, FY 2011) Source: TEDS
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce Meth Use 28 Source: 2012 MiPHY
Meth Use: Potential Contributing Factor (Perception of risk) 29 Source: 2012 MiPHY
Meth Use: Other Considerations, Determining Contributing & Complicating Factors Low perception of the highly addictive nature of meth; 2. Low perception of wrongness of meth use; 3. Meth: Easy manufacturing process and access to ingredients; 4. Lack of knowledge of the availability of resources for meth recovery Prevailing public perception that meth recovery is unlikely to occur
Ah! One more interesting piece of info: Illegal Drugs obtained in school 31
Prevention Priority Area: Reduce Meth Use (Community Strengths) Please list: #1) Strengths & Assets (characteristics and Resources, etc) of this community which can be used to prevent/reduce meth use. #2) Ideas and actions that this group can plan and implement in the next 12 months to help prevent, reduce use of meth in this County. 32