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小马公开课 小马公开课网址: 姓名:贺旭阳(托福写作) 本科:华北电力大学(电气工程及其自动化) 研究生:伊利诺伊厄本那香槟分校(统计学) 邮箱:
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: ETS 简介 2. 独立写作评分标准解读 3. 绝对题
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: ETS 简单介绍 ETS : Educational testing service Found at : 1947 Non-profit organization Statistician+Psychometrician========Reliable + Valid + Fair ensure
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: reading listening speaking writing total
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: 托福评分标准解读 Effectively addresses the topic and task Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details Displays unity, progression, and coherence Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: 绝对题型 绝对级: 1. The best way for government to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers’ salaries. 2. The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. 频率词: 3. Progress is always good. 4. The only way for the government to promote energy conservation is to raise the price of gasoline and electricity 固定的表达: 5. Success is because of hard work, luck has nothing to do with success.
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: 让步 + 转折
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: 给大家看一个简单的例子 To begin with, I would not deny the important role of hard work in contributing to success. Only by working hard, can people get familiar with concepts, form insightful understanding and appreciation in expertise, and master proficient control of a particular knack. As pointed out in the book: outliers: the story of success written by Malcomn Gladwell, a best- selling writer, successful celebrities like Bill Gates or other football players has completed hours training before being an expert in related fields. It is diligence and persistent practice rather than other factors that lead to their success. Without hard work, we could not imagine Lang Lang playing wonderful piano music, we could not imagine Barcelona football club obtaining six champion titles in one season, and we could not imagine John Nash establishing Nash equilibrium that won him Nobel Prize.
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: However, over-emphasizing the importance of hard work but overlooking the pivotal role of luck in the invention of a product or establishment of a theory tends to be logically flawed. It is widely known that Newton was hard-working and created law of universal gravitation. But another fact that may be easily neglected is that Newton got his inspiration by an apple falling down on his head. Without the “lucky ”apple luckily striking his head, it might be entirely possible that the law of universal gravitation would be created by another lucky scientist. This instance, to some extent, effectively illustrates the causal relationship between luck and success. Thus, luck can be considered tightly connected with success. without luck people possibly get closer and closer to success but just cannot make it.
小马公开课 小马公开课网址: 模板: 让步: To begin with, I would not deny the important role of hard work in contributing to success. 转折: However, over-emphasizing the importance of hard work but overlooking the pivotal role of luck in the invention of a product or establishment of a theory tends to be logically flawed.
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