Using population census to improve Agriculture Statistics Mangalsuren Oyunjargal Statistician, National Statistical Office, Mongolia
Why connect with PHC To create and prepare agricultural census and sample survey frame by HH To eliminate duplication of statistics To test linking agricultural statistics with PHC according to FAO recommendations
How to connect Included some related questions in preliminary registration form of PHC Do you have livestock and domistic animals? Yes – 1; No – 2 Did your family cultivate in 2010? Yes – 1; No - 2
Preliminary registration form of PHC
When conduct registration Registration of households engaged in agricultural activities conducted between of November 2010 with preliminary registration of PHC
How to connect If households gave answer “Yes” to one or both abovementioned questions »Skip to Registration form of agriculture households form /HAAB-1/ »Recorded required indicators Registration form of agriculture households form in /HAAB-1/
Registration form of agriculture households
Registration FORM of agriculture households
Activities undertaken –Developed form according to the recommendations given by the international and national consultants –Tested forms in countryside –Conducted training for enumerators how to fill forms –Collected data with preliminary registration of PHC –Developed software for data entering –Entered, checked and processed data –Prepared list of agricultural census and sample survey frame by HH –Matched collected data of HHs with PHC data
How to match with main form PHC Linking the related codes of HAAB-1 and HAOST-1 is shown in the below chart:
Result Some households existing in HAAB-1 have not been linked with HAOST-1 Discrepancy is explained with the condition that Preliminary registration of PHC was conducted in November 2010, Population census in January 2011 as that period was the pick time for migration due to their needs to move to winter quarters and home land after farming. Created frame agricultural sample survey such as HHs with livestock and HHs engaged crop farming
Recommendations Finding out at primary level the discrepancy of households when data of PHC were linked with Registration of agriculture households and doing own best in order to decrease such difference; In case of no any substantial result after this check it won’t be possible to link with data of PHC. Directly use of crop farming households’ frame recorded in Registration of agriculture households Use and update data of households with livestock recorded in Registration of agriculture households during the annual livestock census to be conducted at the end of year.
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