Your License/Certification is important and there is so much more you can do with it.
Nicaragua is a country in Central America Nicaragua is about the size of New York state Nicaragua is the 2 nd poorest country next to Haiti Unemployment is 65% and more No social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid
Abnormal wedge shaped growth on the bulbar conjunctiva probably related to sun irritation and may gradually advance onto the cornea requiring surgical removal
Cataracts – opacity or cloudiness of the crystalline lens that may prevent a clear image from forming. The lens may require surgical removal and an implant put in place of the lens.
This priest from a poor mountain community traveled 8 hours with 80 people to receive services. Due to the high volume of patients, less than half of them received treatment. We are hoping to return to Camoapa for another project.
This little boy was brought to the clinic by his mom who told us that when he eats, his left eye pops out. After asking the little boy to eat some cookies we could see the “optical illusion” of the left eye “popping”. Actually it was the left eyelid retracting.
Jaikel lost his sight 8 years ago at the age of 9. We met Jaikel 4 years ago. Since then we learned that he is not a candidate for a corneal transplant. We are now helping Jaikel receive training so that he can one day live independently.
This mom and daughter rode a bus for 6 hours to get her eye checked. She left her baby with a neighbor. She ended up staying in Camoapa for 2-1/2 days due to surgery. We met some amazing people who were just looking for some help with their eye issues!
This 82 year old Nicaraguan woman woke in the morning, fell and broke 2 ribs. She went to the hospital and after being treated she was told to go home. She instead walked to the clinic because she needed to have her eyes evaluated. We asked the Lions Club to take her home and instead I found them escorting her to the front of the church because she didn’t want to leave until she lit a candle for us.
5 Ophthalmologists 2 Optometrists 3 Ophthalmic Dispensers 5 Registered Nurses 1 Prosthesis Eye Specialist 1 Project Director 1 Logistics Manager 1 Administrator/Statistician 9 Medical Support Staff
70 Lions Club (20 present on any given day) 20 Leos (6 present on any given day) 15 Lions Cubs (3 present on any given day) 8 Peace Corps volunteers Nicaragua Community Leaders
2,656 Eye Examinations 81 Surgeries 15 Eye prosthesis + 2,300 Prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses & safety glasses dispensed
HOPEFUL WAYS Pendleton Lions Camoapa Lions Lions International Peace Corps Nicaragua Community Leaders Nicaragua Translators The wonderful people of Nicaragua