Overview The Early Years – The Crimea – The Lady With the Lamp Fame and Reform – Nightingale’s Voice –
Family Background Father - William Edward (Shore) Nightingale Mother - Frances (Fanny) Smith Married - June 1, 1818 Sister - Parthenope born April 19, 1819 in Naples, Italy Florence - born May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy
The Nightingale Estate, Embley Park
To Feel Her Presence Florence moved into Embley Park at age 5 The little girl who came down these stairs Who rejected the wealth of her parents Who developed a social conscience that changed the world
To Understand Her Childhood The student who learned at her father’s knee The student who studied for hours each day Self-directed and goal – oriented Affinity for languages and math Bandaged dolls and pets Earliest surviving letter – age 7
February 7, 1837 Florence writes, “God spoke to me and called me to his service.”
The Victorian Era Moved by social problems Grew to hate Embley Park for the wealth it represented (19 servants; 39 gardeners). Tension in family – wanted to escape the social scene Caused stress and mental strain Traveled to Greece, Egypt, Germany Kaiserswerth experience 1853 – Superintendent of Establishment for Gentlewomen in London
The Crimea Left for the Crimea on October 21 st, 1854 with 38 nurses. Duty was to assist at the Barracks Hospital, Scutari Nightingale and her staff were not welcomed Her research and statistics show dramatic decrease in deaths among injured. The coxcomb graphic of statistical data Promoted fresh sir, sanitation, cleanliness Crimea fever – now known as brucellosis
Lady with the Lamp – February 24, 1855
Fame and Reform Returned to London, late 1856 Now a famous person Wrote Notes on Nursing and Notes on Hospitals Next five years at the Burlington Hotel, would not return to Embley Park Suffered the ravages of brucellosis Wrote!!!
Nightingale School of Nursing Founded in 1960 at former St. Thomas Hospital World’s first secular training school for nurses Designed pavilion style hospital wards Applied concepts from her writings Continued to gather data and do research
Nursing Pin of the Nightingale School
St. Thomas Hospital New hospital opened in 1871 Four miles of halls Pavilion style wards Ventilation on both sides : 13 Letters to Nurses
St. Thomas Hospital
Modest London Memorial
F.N A simple grave in the country church yard Family refused the Westminster Abbey burial
Only Two Women Stand in London Queen Victoria and Florence Nightingale Statue dedicated in 1915 Note the lamp
Her Legend Founding philosopher of nursing 14,000+ letters Advocate for healing environments Evidence-based practice Nurse theorist Nursing as spiritual practice In Myers-Briggs – INTJ Visionary leader Passionate statistician
You Are Her Legacy
The Tenets of Nightingale’s Legacy Calls for a focus on caring Promoted health not just treatment of disease Global perspective – health for all Community health – collaboration Concern for those in poverty – urban and rural Be a voice for advocacy Holistic focus that includes spirituality Leadership for change Nursing is a calling
In her own words… Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better. - Florence Nightingale Allow your discontent to change nursing, nursing education, and our world so you can become the legacy of your calling, inspired by Nightingale. - Angie Strawn
References and Recommended Readings Bostridge, M. (2008). Florence Nightingale: The making of an icon. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Dossey, B. M. (2010). Florence Nightingale: Mystic, visionary, healer. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. Dossey, B. M., Selanders, L. C., Beck, D. M., & Attewell, A. (2005). Florence Nightingale today: Healing, leadership, global action. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association. Gregson, J. (2010). A band of angels: A novel. Austin, TX: Touchstone. Nightingale, F. (1859). Notes on nursing. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble Nightingale, F. (1859). Notes on hospitals. Perry, A. (2009). A sudden, fearful death. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.