REGIONAL EMPHASIS PROGRAM FOR GRAIN HANDLING FACILITIES Region VI – TX, OK, AR, LA, NM Region VI – TX, OK, AR, LA, NM Due to significant hazards to employees including: Due to significant hazards to employees including: Falls, electrocutions, engulfment, auger entanglement, struck-by, and explosions Falls, electrocutions, engulfment, auger entanglement, struck-by, and explosions 89 fatalities since 2000 including: 89 fatalities since 2000 including: 40 grain engulfments 40 grain engulfments 32 falls 32 falls 7 combustible dust explosions 7 combustible dust explosions Also 38 amputation injuries in grain handling facilities since 2000 Also 38 amputation injuries in grain handling facilities since 2000
SIC CODETYPESFatality/EventDescription 4221 Fall Crush/Struck by All fatality events Power loss during elevator cleaning, employee fell through floor opening Railcar out of control overturned crushed employee 5153 Asphyxia Fall/Struck By Asphyxia due to engulfment Fall Amputation Struck by Concussion Fracture Concussion Asphyxia (3 instances) All fatality events Employee entered grain bin and suffered asphyxia Employee was closing railcar hatch when wind caught the hatch and knocked him to the ground. Employee was engulfed by soybeans as he attempted to break up clumps Employee fell 123 feet through a grain port as he attempted to move the port cover Employee caught by grain auger while cleaning grain bin Front-end loader overturned crushing employee 2041 Explosion/Burns Fall Struck by Amputation Fatality Hospitalization Employee was burned by explosion in storage bin Employee fell from a bucket elevator Employee was struck by a tractor trailer leaving a loading area Employee was caught by packer conveyor 2048 Caught by/crushing Asphyxia/Engulfment Electrocution Caught by All fatality events Employee’s coat was caught by conveyor belt shaft Employee engulfed while dislodging cottonseed. Crane operator electrocuted when boom contacted 7200 Volt power lines Employee was caught while un-jamming an energized automatic palletizer. OKLAHOMA INCIDENTS 1975 – 2009 (23 accidents)
SIC/NAICS CODES INCLUDED IN REP 2041/ Flour Milling 2041/ Flour Milling 2044/ Rice Milling 2044/ Rice Milling 2048/ Other animal food mfg 2048/ Other animal food mfg 2074/ Cottonseed oil milling 2074/ Cottonseed oil milling 4221/ Farm products warehousing and storage 4221/ Farm products warehousing and storage 5153/ Grain and field bean wholesalers 5153/ Grain and field bean wholesalers 5159/ Other farm-product raw materials wholesalers 5159/ Other farm-product raw materials wholesalers
REP ENFORCEMENT INSPECTIONS Review of OSHA-300 injury and illness records Review of OSHA-300 injury and illness records Review of safety and health programs Review of safety and health programs Address hazards including: Address hazards including: Combustible dust hazards Combustible dust hazards Engulfment hazards Engulfment hazards Lockout/Tagout Lockout/Tagout Forklift operations Forklift operations Grain entry programs and procedures Grain entry programs and procedures Confined space entry Confined space entry Machine guarding Machine guarding Housekeeping program Housekeeping program Fall protection program and procedures Fall protection program and procedures Personal protective equipment practices Personal protective equipment practices Electrical safety-related procedures Electrical safety-related procedures
REGIONAL EMPHASIS PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Outreach notification letter was sent to industry employers from OKCAO on November 1, 2010 Outreach notification letter was sent to industry employers from OKCAO on November 1, day outreach delay to notify industry 60-day outreach delay to notify industry Enforcement to begin after January 1, 2011 following outreach activities Enforcement to begin after January 1, 2011 following outreach activities Identifies sources for assistance to improve safety and health programs including: Identifies sources for assistance to improve safety and health programs including: OK DOL State Consultation OK DOL State Consultation
SCHEDULING OF INSPECTIONS Each Area Office develops a list of known grain handling facilities in the targeted SIC/NAICS codes Each Area Office develops a list of known grain handling facilities in the targeted SIC/NAICS codes Random number table is applied to list and inspection cycle created Random number table is applied to list and inspection cycle created Scope of REP is comprehensive Scope of REP is comprehensive If an unprogrammed inspection (complaint, referral, fatality) is conducted at an establishment on the REP inspection cycle, the comprehensive inspection may be conducted concurrently If an unprogrammed inspection (complaint, referral, fatality) is conducted at an establishment on the REP inspection cycle, the comprehensive inspection may be conducted concurrently Inspections will be conducted by OSHA personnel with training and familiarity with REP policy Inspections will be conducted by OSHA personnel with training and familiarity with REP policy
RELATED OSHA DIRECTIVES AND PROGRAMS CPL , Inspection of Grain Handling Facilities CPL , Inspection of Grain Handling Facilities CPL , Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program CPL , Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program
How to Prepare for OSHA Inspection 1. Read OSHA regulation of Grain handling facilities Read OSHA regulation of Grain handling facilities Read OSHA publication Grain Handling OSHA
To Prevent Fatalities and Injuries Plenty of information in internet and trade publications Plenty of information in internet and trade publications EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: Safe Storage and Handling of Grain Safe Storage and Handling of Grain National Ag Safety Database National Ag Safety Database
Two Recent Grain Handling Accidents 1. Fire in Grain Storage Bin (Soybeans). Firefighter dead (PEOSH jurisdiction) 1. Fire in Grain Storage Bin (Soybeans). Firefighter dead (PEOSH jurisdiction) Citations: Citations: a. 5(a)(1): Cutting hole in metal wall of bin with gasoline powered abrasive wheel saw. Ignited soybean debris. Prohibit use of cutting tools that create sparks that can ignite debris. a. 5(a)(1): Cutting hole in metal wall of bin with gasoline powered abrasive wheel saw. Ignited soybean debris. Prohibit use of cutting tools that create sparks that can ignite debris.
Citations Fire in grain storage bin (d)(2): Using ladder over 20 ft. high without landing platforms (d)(2): Using ladder over 20 ft. high without landing platforms ( c)(1): Used west bin drag conveyor to discharge soybeans with top guard section removed on discharge end ( c)(1): Used west bin drag conveyor to discharge soybeans with top guard section removed on discharge end (g)(1)(i): employer did not issue a permit for entering bins, silos, or tanks in the grain handling facility before employees entered (g)(1)(i): employer did not issue a permit for entering bins, silos, or tanks in the grain handling facility before employees entered.
Citations Fire in grain storage bin (g)(iii): The atmosphere within a bin, silo or tank was not tested for combustible vapors/gases and toxic agents or oxygen content prior to employees entering (g)(iii): The atmosphere within a bin, silo or tank was not tested for combustible vapors/gases and toxic agents or oxygen content prior to employees entering (g)(2): When entering bins, silos or tanks from the top, employees did not wear a body harness with lifeline or use a boatswain’s chair (g)(2): When entering bins, silos or tanks from the top, employees did not wear a body harness with lifeline or use a boatswain’s chair.
Citations Fire in grain storage bin (g)(4): The employer did not provide equipment for rescue operations which was specifically suited for the bin, silo or tank being entered (g)(4): The employer did not provide equipment for rescue operations which was specifically suited for the bin, silo or tank being entered (i)(1): The employer did not inform contractors of the applicable safety rules of the grain handling facility (i)(1): The employer did not inform contractors of the applicable safety rules of the grain handling facility
Citations Fire in grain storage bin (i)(2): The employer did not explain the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan to contractors (i)(2): The employer did not explain the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan to contractors
Employee Asphyxiated inside grain transition pit Employee entered pit where grain had been stored for weeks. Atmospheric testing not performed. Pit had high levels of carbon dioxide. Employee found dead. Employee entered pit where grain had been stored for weeks. Atmospheric testing not performed. Pit had high levels of carbon dioxide. Employee found dead (g)(1)(iii): The atmosphere within a bin, silo or tank in the grain handling facility was not tested for the presence of combustible gases, vapors, toxic agents and oxygen content prior to employees entering (g)(1)(iii): The atmosphere within a bin, silo or tank in the grain handling facility was not tested for the presence of combustible gases, vapors, toxic agents and oxygen content prior to employees entering.
Employee Asphyxiated inside grain transition pit (g)(3): An observer, equipped to provide assistance, was not stationed outside the bin, silo, or tank being entered by employee (g)(3): An observer, equipped to provide assistance, was not stationed outside the bin, silo, or tank being entered by employee (j)(4): The housekeeping program at the grain handling facility did not address the procedures for removing grain and product spills from work area (j)(4): The housekeeping program at the grain handling facility did not address the procedures for removing grain and product spills from work area.
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