A Survey of Phyllophaga Species Associated with Oklahoma Golf Courses. Jake Doskocil 1, Tom Royer 1, Nathan Walker 1, Greg Bell 1, James Reinert 2 (1)Oklahoma State University (2)Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Objectives Determine the species composition of Phyllophaga associated with turfgrasses in Oklahoma Determine the seasonal occurrence of Phyllophaga spp. associated with turfgrasses in Oklahoma
Survey Sites Figure 1. Stars denote the location of golf courses were light traps were placed
Regionally important –Central – P. crinita, P. crassissima –South – P. crinita –Northwest – P. glabricula, P. crassissima –Northeast – P. glabricula Notable –South – P. congrua
Results Figure 3 Flight period of Phyllophaga beetles collected from 7 golf courses in Oklahoma, (The checkered areas denote the peak flights for the 5 most abundant species.)
Current Research Determine which of these species is turf inhabiting –Larvae have been collected from regionally corresponding locations for rearing. –DNA sequencing of COII for use in identification of larvae.
Acknowledgements John Streachek, The Territory Golf Course, Duncan, OK Darren Lockhart, Boiling Springs Golf Course, Woodward, OK Brian Peterson, The Greens Golf Course, Oklahoma City, OK Jonny White, Dornick Hills Golf Course, Ardmore, OK Mike Buxton, Lakeside Golf Course, Stillwater, OK Mike Wooten, Cedar Ridge Golf Course, Broken Arrow, OK Charles Robertson, Shangri La Golf Course, Grand Lake, OK Don Arnold, OSU Dept. Ento. & PLP, Stillwater, OK Funding for this project is provided by: The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America The Oklahoma Golf Course Superintendents Association The Oklahoma Turf Research Foundation Bayer Environmental Science The Scotts Company