Community Based Research with Oklahoma American Indians Reba Solomon, M.H.R. Protocol, Inc. Chapel Hill North Carolina July17, 1998
Oklahoma Tribes Alabama Anadarko Apache Apalachicola Arapaho Caddo Cahokia Catawba Cayuga Cherokee Cheyenne Chickasaw Chippewa Choctaw Comanche Conestoga Creek Delaware Eel River Indians Erie Hainai Hitchiti Illinois Iowa Kaskaskia Kansa Kichai Kickapoo Kiowa Kiowa-Apache Koasati Lipan Miami Michigamea Modoc Moingwena Mohawk Munsee Natchez Nez Perce´
Oklahoma Tribes (Cont’d) Osage Oto & Missouri Ottawa Pawnee Peoria Piankashaw Ponca Potawatomi Quapaw Sauk & Fox Seminole Seneca Shawnee Skidi Stockbridge Tamaroa Tawakoni Tonkawa Tuscarora Tuskegee Waco Wea Wichita Wyandot
Community Based Projects Cherokee Nation Substance Use-Abuse (Funded by CSAP) Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes Adolescent Substance Use 1993 (Funded by Cheyenne-Arapaho) Caddo, Kiowa, Wichita, Tobacco Intervention with Delaware, Apache, Comanche WIC Women (Funded by IHS) Community Project/Sponsor Southwestern Oklahoma Violence Against Indian Women (Funded by NIH)
Study Question Considerations 1) Research a “Dirty Word” to Indians 2) Determining Indian Community Needs by the “Grass Roots” 3) Developing Survey Questions From the Community 4) Why Indians Do Not Want You to “Study” Them?Examples: A) Research Center Without Indians B) Community Does Not Hear About Research C) Articles Published in Referred Journals Are the Standard of Success???
Multi-Cultural Involvement A.Indian Research B.Communities C.Academic Institution D.Funding Sources
What We Can Do to Research in Indian Community 1)Trust 2)Knowledge 3)Respect 4)Community Ownership