Develop Pilot Plan (1) Analyze Company Skill Needs 4. Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Institutionalize (Deploy) Certification Improve and Sustain
PURPOSE : Our goal is to reach necessary agreements to be able to pilot selected industry certifications we have been discussing. This will require commitments from: -- How you will support the training and provide job opportunities for graduates. -- What you will do to provide the training and a pool of certified candidates. This will then allow us to move forward with details about how the pilot program will work. AGENDA: Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Purpose and Agenda Set the Context Discuss/Clarify Expectations and Commitment/s College Manufacturing Partner(s) Discuss Implementation Process and Timeline Curriculum Testing Students Employment Wrap-up PURPOSE & AGENDA (1)
Manufacturing Partner(s): Provide input to the curriculum Participate in student interviews Offer plant tours Provide paid internships Commit to interview completers CLARIFY EXPECTATIONS AND COMMITMENTS
Educational Partner(s): Existing training curriculum Options (& possible timeline) to adjust the curriculum Possible career pathway Minimum numbers of students Frequency and timing for offering the program Testing Test Preparation Costs and possible funding sources Expectations for the manufacturing partner/s CLARIFY EXPECTATIONS AND COMMITMENTS (CONT.)
Foundational Skills: Read Apply Math Locate Information (reading charts & graphs) Set Required Level Bronze Silver Gold Platinum NCRC
Curriculum Possible curriculum outline Steps, timeline, costs Next steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE CURRICULUM
Curriculum Testing Who Where When Costs Next steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE TESTING
Curriculum Testing Students (Job Candidates) WHERE will we find them? Recent graduates Individuals with industry experience Veterans Random Applicants Work Readiness program participants WHO will recruit? Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE STUDENTS (JOB CANDIDATES)
Curriculum Testing Students (Job Candidates) Employment How will the training process lead to employment? Employer Involvement throughout training Interviews/Selection process Wages Certification Preferred (vs. Required) Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE EMPLOYMENT
Summary of Decisions/Commitments Assignments (TO DO’s) Next Meeting REVIEW AND WRAP-UP (NEXT STEPS) TO DO’s
Develop Pilot Plan (2) Analyze Company Skill Needs 4. Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Institutionalize (Deploy) Certification Improve and Sustain
PURPOSE: Cnfirm and finalize all necessary agreements and finalize our plan to pilot the certification system we have been discussing. AGENDA: Welcome & review agenda Report on assignments Schedule implementation activities Curriculum Testing Employment Wrap-up Summarize Decisions or Agreements Review Assignments/Next Steps PURPOSE & AGENDA (2)
Curriculum Outline as refined Training Timeline/Schedule Training Costs Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES CURRICULUM
How testing will be accomplished Testing timeline Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES TESTING
Intake Process Training Process Employment Process Confirm/Schedule company involvement Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT PROCESS
How will we know if we’re successful? Retention Reduced OJT time Decrease in errors or crap rate Task completion _______________ Do we have baselines or can we get them? EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE METRICS
Summary of Decisions/Agreements Review Assignments Next Steps Schedule Check-in Meetings (or Calls) WRAP-UP