Coal Pontotoc JohnstonGarvinMurray Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Murray, Pontotoc; OK Source: RDM, PCRD & ESRI
Data Source: EMSI & Census
Note: Label includes cluster name, LQ 2012, and Employment 2012 Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD
Note: Label includes cluster name, LQ 2012, and Employment 2012 Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD
P e r c e n t G r o w t h i n S p e c i a l i z a t i o n L e v e l o f S p e c i a l i z a t i o n Energy (Fossil & Renewable) Chemicals & chemical-based Glass & ceramics Machinery manufacturing Mining Transportation equipment manufacturing Biomedical & biotechnical Transportation & logistics Arts, entertainment & visitors Agricultural & food processing Education & knowledge creation Printing & publishing IT & telecommunication Apparel & textiles Business & financial services Manufacturing supercluster Advanced materials Defense & security Forestry & wood products Fabricated metal product mfg. Primary metal mfg. Computer & electronic prod. mfg.
Note: Label includes cluster name, LQ 2007, and Employment 2007 Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD
Note: Label includes cluster name, LQ 2007, and Employment 2007 Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD
P e r c e n t G r o w t h i n S p e c i a l i z a t i o n L e v e l o f S p e c i a l i z a t i o n Energy (Fossil & Renewable) Transportation equipment mfg. Glass & ceramics Machinery manufacturing Mining Chemicals and chemical-based Biomedical & biotechnical Transportation & logistics Business & financial services Advanced materials Arts, entertainment & visitors Agricultural & food processing Defense & security IT & telecommunication Apparel & textiles Fabricated metal product mfg. Primary metal mfg. Manufacturing supercluster Education & knowledge creation Printing & publishing Forestry & wood products
Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD Star clusters
Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD Note: Computer and electronic product manufacturing did not exist in 2007; Electrical equipment, appliances and component manufacturing is not present in the region
Data Source: EMSI , industry cluster definitions by PCRD
Purdue Center for Regional Development Purdue University Gerald D. and Edna E. Mann Hall, Suite Martin Jischke Drive West Lafayette, IN