Jim Brunk Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
Using materials from “Church Growth International”
Dr. Brock’s Strategic Church Planting Book This is a resource to be used along side of “Indigenous Church Planting: A Practical Journey.” Some very important and critical guidelines concerning Biblical church planting are given in a few pages. Church planting definitions are included. The primary emphasis of the booklet is related to the “tools” (Bible study materials). A brief synopsis is given for each book and the time frame in which they are to be used. There are suggestions concerning how the books are to be used. This is a must for the person who wants a quick overview of healthy church planting.
Dr. Brock’s Strategic Church Planting Books This resource gives the leader the skills to lead a Bible study using a non-lecture method. It is a style of communication that can be used regardless of education or speaking abilities. This method of indirect leadership can be used for any course of study, but is designed to be used when leading Good News for You and I Have Been Born Again, What Next?
Dr. Brock’s Strategic Church Planting Books The purpose of this book is to bring people to authentic faith in Christ. It can be studied alone, with a counselor or in a group. The lessons are based on the Gospel of John, so either a copy of the Gospel of John, a New Testament or a Bible will be needed for the study. The lessons are simply questions with the students finding the answers in the Bible. The suggested procedure of use is found in the introduction of the book.
Dr. Brock’s Strategic Church Planting Books New believers are often left unguided in their newly found faith and Christian life. Now you can help them understand Christian privileges and responsibilities and help prepare them for responsible church membership in eleven Bible based lessons.
Dr. Brock’s Strategic Church Planting Books This is a book of questions that many churches and new believers ask. This book takes these questions and simply answers them from the scriptures. It is designed to help the new pastor of a new church in the bush of Africa or an untrained pastor in Los Angeles. It has also proven to be a good tool for basic leadership training. Let This Mind Be in You This is a book about personal evangelism that has grown from the cross-cultural experience of Charles Brock. You will find ways of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will work in any culture or context. Questions People and Churches Ask
Galatians, From Law to Grace Good News For YouGood News For You and I Have Been Born Again, What Next? This is a chapter-by-chapter study guide for the book of Galatians. The Bible is the actual text. There are questions for discussion at the end of each chapter. The guide was originally written to be used by new believers who had completed the study of Good News For You and I Have Been Born Again, What Next? Someone with little or no experience can lead a group in the study of Galatians using this guide.I Have Been Born Again, What Next?Good News For YouI Have Been Born Again, What Next? Brock’s Strategic Church Planting Books (one year church study) John, Behold the Lamb This chapter by chapter study of John is meant to be a partial resource for Bible teachers. It is not meant to be a basic text for the study but only a help in better understanding the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John itself is the basic text for the study. This chapter-by-chapter study guide for Philippians is meant to be a resource for Bible teachers. Like the other study guides in this series, it can be led by someone with little or no training. There are ten lessons in the guide. Philippians, The Joyous Journey This resource will help a new Christian or church through the book of Romans. Romans is in many ways the first great work of Christian theology. This chapter by chapter study will provide a helpful tool in understanding the theological framework that Paul lays out in his letter to the Romans. Romans, Road to Righteousness
7 Step Planting Strategy LEADERSHIP Training “ Questions People and Churches Ask” steps 1 & 2 “ Questions People and Churches Ask” steps 1 & 2 Let This Mind Be in You Let This Mind Be in You FOUNDATION –(I Cor. 3:11) (I Thessalonians 1:5) “Indigenous C. P.” In review - page 3, #5) (Power) Jesus “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:17), * Holy Spirit (John 14:12,25,26) (Power) Jesus “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:17), * Holy Spirit (John 14:12,25,26) (Seed) Gods Word, - (Romans 10:17)( I Corinthians 3: 6) (Seed) Gods Word, - (Romans 10:17)( I Corinthians 3: 6) (Sower) God’s call, - (Jeremiah 1:4) (Sower) God’s call, - (Jeremiah 1:4) (Soil) Target group God has called you to witness to – (Acts 16:7-10, 26:19-20) (Soil) Target group God has called you to witness to – (Acts 16:7-10, 26:19-20) Step # 1 Step # 2 Step # 3 Step # 4 SALVATION – ( Seed) Good News for You (Red Book) Good News for You (Red Book) Step # 5 DISCIPLESHIP (Watered) “Born Again What Next”… (Green Book) “Born Again What Next”… (Green Book) Step # 6 Step # 7 DECISION to be a Church – (formal) Galatians * John, * Romans * Philippians Galatians * John, * Romans * Philippians TRAINING – (Sower) Leading a Bible study (Purple book) Leading a Bible study (Purple book) STRATEGY – (The Sower’s tools) Indigenous Church Planting (Blue book) Indigenous Church Planting (Blue book) Always be thinking: Reproduction Leader development II Timothy 2:2 Always be thinking: Reproduction Leader development II Timothy 2:2 Dr. BROCK’S MATERIALS Manual for Volunteer missions Manual for Volunteer missions (Dark Blue book) (Dark Blue book)
GOAL - FOUR years = FOUR full time Starts The First start The Second start The Third start The Forth start In 2006 we started a partnership with the Baptist convention in Guerrero, MX. HAD 45 existing churches in 125 years
Church starts They did not start four churches. They started 22 with 18 surviving. They set a goal to start 15 new churches over 5 years in Acapulco, Jan They started 3 last year and 12 so far this year. In addition, the churches in the mountains continue to multiply.
First year Lay BibleTeacher/Planters
Arriving In Acapulco, Guerrero MX. with CGI materials May, 2012
THANK YOU For allowing and helping Dr. Brock to be able to go and teach
15 pastors in Acapulco They made the commitment to sponsor 15 more churches
BRO. CALET LORENZANO Pray for Brother Calet At the end the conference he challenged the group. He said, “Does it take a building to start a church? “ The group said “NO!” Does it take…?
A couple, Zeferino and H. Nieves from the Mixteca Native tribe in Guerrero (Also Misteca, Latin Mish-te-ka) One of the most important civilized tribes of southern Mexico, occupying an extensive territory in western and northern Oaxaca and extending into Guerrero. This group in Guerrero is one of the 6,426 unreached people groups IMB has asked us to pray for. Two years ago I chose that group at the SBC convention not knowing GOD was already at work. Bro. Blackwell
March 2012 Arrow Heights Baptist Church Tulsa OK Leaders from: Mississippi Colorado Hawaii Marshal Islands Oklahoma were trained in using the material
CHUUK pastors being trained in the Green Book Hawaii
Please Pray 2. We are having our KEY church planters come for a Multiplying Church Strategy Conference in Oklahoma City for training. Phase I Dec , 2012 Phase II We will be asking Dr. Brock to do “ONE DAY” work shops on how to use the tools. Phase III - will be Dec with Strategy Planning 1. Going Back to MX. May 9-13, 2013
7 step Planting Strategy note page Step # 1 Step # 2 Step # 3 Step # 4 Step # 5 Step # 6 Step # 7 Dr. BROCK’S MATERIALS Note page to be printed