Welcome to 3rd Grade
3rd Grade Agenda Book: Responsibility Thursday Folders Testing: Cogat and OCCT Technology Library 3 rd Grade Field Trip – Oklahoma related
Reading Comprehension Tool Kit by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis Non-Fiction Articles The six strategies we will be teaching include: * Monitor Comprehension * Activate and Connect * Ask Questions * Infer Meaning * Determine Importance * Summarize and Synthesize Word Study Novel Studies Reading Minutes: 20 minutes nightly Reading Skills Emphasized: fluency and expression, comprehension, vocabulary, research STAR Assessment / Running Records Test taking strategies
Writing Write Source: Grammar and Punctuation Writing Process Journaling, Research, Creative Writing, Personal Narratives, Persuasive Writing, Expository Writing Focus on Spelling within the writing process Cursive Handwriting
Science Carolina Biological Company: self discovery and a hands-on approach to learning Skills: experimentation, observation and description, data collection, data analysis, communicating results Report Card: understands and uses scientific processes and communicates understanding of concepts and content
Science Units Plants: observe the entire life cycle from seed to seed, plant parts, functions, and uses Rocks and Minerals: observe and perform field tests to identify rocks and minerals based on properties Sound: through guided exploration students learn about how sound is produced through vibrations and make connections to volume and pitch
Social Studies Report Card : Knowledge of communities, geography, and understanding of historical people and events Major Units and Research: Oklahoma Government Landforms, landmarks & symbols Major economic activities Map skills Climate / environment – impact on economy Historical events (Dustbowl, Trail of Tears, Chisholm Trail, Statehood) Historical people Native Americans
Math Everyday Mathematics Report Card: data analysis, number sense, algebraic reasoning, geometry, problem solving, measurement Learning through hands-on activities and games Homelink Math Journal: Math Boxes SRB: Student Reference Book
Math Curriculum Multiplication Facts Adding and Subtracting, Linear Measures and Area, Multiplication and Division, Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals, Geometry, Fractions, Measurement and Data, Probability
What can I do this summer? Memorize your addition and subtraction facts. Start working on multiplication facts. Read at least 20 minutes a day. Read non-fiction articles and books. Keep a daily writing journal.
Great Online Sites! Multiplication.com ion_Concentration.htmlhttp:// ion_Concentration.html Jenksps.org (Reading Zone: Click on the Curriculum Tab) Spellingcity.com