I) George Washington’s Administration A) Whiskey Rebellion proved that the government could enforce its laws under the Constitution
B) Farewell Address warned against political parties, wanted no “entangling alliances”, and was worried about sectionalism—the belief that your part of the country is more important than the country itself wanted neutrality (isolationism)
II) Rise of Political Parties: The Election of 1796 A) Federalist Party (Pro English): John Adams vs. Democratic-Republican Party: (Pro French) Thomas Jefferson (Democrat) III) XYZ Affair French demand for a bribe
IV) Alien & Sedition Acts designed to silence opposition to Federalist Party A) Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions established the notion of states’ rights in that it said a state had the right to ignore (nullify) federal law— led to the Nullification Crisis in 1832 & the Civil War in 1861
V) Undeclared War with France Quasi War
Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional VI) Marbury v. Madison establishes Judicial Review A) John Marshall Chief Justice who came up with Judicial Review
VII) Louisiana Purchase (1803) A) Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery explored the Louisiana Territory (encouraged westward expansion) wanted New Orleans to get Mississippi River bought from France—doubling the size of the US overnight
VIII) War of 1812 A) Embargo Acts embargo = not selling something to someone B) Causes: Impressments, National Pride, re-election of James Madison, & Hawks impressments = taking sailors & making them fight against their will hawks = wardoves = peace
C) Washington Burned D) Ft. McHenry, Baltimore Francis Scott Key Star-Spangled Banner
E) Treaty of Ghent (1814) treaty that ended the War of ) Battle of New Orleans (1815) largest & last battle of the War of 1812—shouldn’t have happened
IX) Monroe Doctrine told the nations of Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere
X) Era of Good Feelings( ) a period of strong patriotic feelings (called nationalism); economic & territorial expansion with the building of the Erie Canal & the National Road; and with only one political party in power (Democrat) after the demise of the Federalist Party
XI) Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin made cotton cheaper to produce: led to a resurgence of slavery Whitney = interchangeable parts (muskets) increased slavery’s spread westward
A) Abolitionism abolitionists wanted an end to slavery 1) Nat Turner led a Virginia slave uprising
XII) End of the Era of Good Feelings A) Missouri Compromise: Missouri = slave state; Maine = free state; & slavery prohibited above the ’ to keep the balance of power in Washington between free and slave states
B) Election of 1824: John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson Adams won in 1824, but Jackson felt he was “cheated” out the Presidency due to a “corrupt bargain” between Adams & Henry Clay & he vowed to win in the 1828 election four years later—which he did
XIII) Age of Jackson(Jacksonian Democracy) 1) Nullification Crisis VP John C. Calhoun of South Carolina said his state could nullify (ignore) federal tariff (tax on imports)
B) spoils system President can give away government jobs C) Bank of the United States government’s bank—created by Alexander Hamilton & “destroyed” by Jackson
D) “Trail of Tears” forced removal of Cherokee from the southeast to Oklahoma
XIV) Seneca Falls Convention A) Grimké Sisters, Lucretia Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton meeting of women (called “Suffragettes”) who demanded that women be granted the right to vote 1) Temperance Movement national movement led by abolitionist women, like Carrie Nation, who were against alcohol
XV) Other Social Issues A) “Transcendentalism” stressed nonconformity (leaders included writers Ralph Waldo Emerson & Henry David Thoreau) B) Henry Clay’s “American System” build up America with a protective tariff in support of US businesses, a strong national bank, and federal road & canal projects
C) Dorothea Dix worked to reform institutions D) Horace Mann worked to reform public education XVI) Texas A) Settlers
B) Alamo: Santa Anna C) San Jacinto: Sam Houston
XVII) Mexican War (1846) A) Manifest Destiny belief that God meant America to stretch from sea to sea 1) Second Great Awakening an evangelical revival of Christianity that helped spread the notion that America was ordained and it was God’s plan for America to expand & inhabit the entire continent—led to the belief in Manifest Destiny
B) Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago (1848) ended the Mexican War & got America the Mexican Cession 1) Mexican Cession New Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, & California (the southwestern border of the US was finalized in 1853 with the Gadsden Purchase)
XVIII) Gold Rush (1849): Forty-Niners those who rushed to California in search of gold in 1849—led to increase in population