Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader?
1,000,000 5th Grade Literary Devices 5th Grade Vocabulary 4th Grade Literary Devices 4th Grade Characters 3rd Grade Symbolism 3rd Grade Symbolism3rd Grade Relationships 2nd Grade Vocabulary 2nd Grade Vocabulary 2nd Grade Events 1st Grade Setting 1st Grade Setting1st Grade Characters 500, , , ,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000
5th Grade Literary Device Question / Irony sometimes occurs when a character says one thing but contradicts themselves later. / Why is Miss. Gate’s lecture about Adolf Hitler ironic? / Irony sometimes occurs when a character says one thing but contradicts themselves later. / Why is Miss. Gate’s lecture about Adolf Hitler ironic?
5th Grade Literary Devices Answer / It is ironic because before she stated “it’s about time someone taught those blacks a lesson,” but now she’s preaching about democracy and equality.
5th Grade Vocabulary Question / What word is synonymous of tranquil?
5th Grade Vocabulary Answer / Placid
4th Grade Characters Question / Who writes a long editorial, condemning Tom’s death as a murder of an innocent man?
4th Grade Characters Answer / Mr. Underwood
4th Grade Literary Devices Question / An allegory is where every aspect of the novel is symbolic of a larger abstract concept and/or an important historical event. / Is To Kill a Mockingbird an allegory? Justify your answer. / An allegory is where every aspect of the novel is symbolic of a larger abstract concept and/or an important historical event. / Is To Kill a Mockingbird an allegory? Justify your answer.
4th Grade Literary Devices Answer / Yes- this novel is symbolic of a common person’s perspective on society. i.e judging people based upon rumors first, personalities/actions second / No- society has changed since then and we cannot compare this society to society almost 70 years ago / Yes- this novel is symbolic of a common person’s perspective on society. i.e judging people based upon rumors first, personalities/actions second / No- society has changed since then and we cannot compare this society to society almost 70 years ago
3rd Grade Symbolism Question / Open Ended True or False: Is Boo Radley a symbol of the mockingbird?
3rd Grade Symbolism Answer / Yes- He is a child who was once full of innocence like the other children and has been abused by his father. He did save Scout and Jem, meaning there is still good within him. / No- He killed his father, so why would murder mean that he is still innocent? / Yes- He is a child who was once full of innocence like the other children and has been abused by his father. He did save Scout and Jem, meaning there is still good within him. / No- He killed his father, so why would murder mean that he is still innocent?
3rd Grade Relationships Question / Does Aunt Alexandria have an influence on Atticus?
3rd Grade Relationship Answer / Yes- For a short period of time, Atticus became stricter towards his children. / No- Although Alexandria had a small influence, Atticus has not changed since the beginning of the novel. / Yes- For a short period of time, Atticus became stricter towards his children. / No- Although Alexandria had a small influence, Atticus has not changed since the beginning of the novel.
2nd Grade Vocabulary Question / What does benign mean and is it used correctly in the following sentence? / The benign student helped the elderly in order to gain community service hours so that she can graduate. / What does benign mean and is it used correctly in the following sentence? / The benign student helped the elderly in order to gain community service hours so that she can graduate.
2nd Grade Vocabulary Answer / Benign- gracious, refers to personality / No, this sentence does not use benign correctly because she’s not doing it because she wants to, she’s doing it to graduate / Benign- gracious, refers to personality / No, this sentence does not use benign correctly because she’s not doing it because she wants to, she’s doing it to graduate
2nd Grade Events Question / What does Dill find in Dolphus Raymond’s bottle?
2nd Grade Topic 8 Answer / Coca-Cola
1st Grade Setting Question / Where does this story take place ( give city, state)?
1st Grade Setting Answer / Maycomb, Alabama
1st Grade Character Question / Who is narrating throughout the novel?
1st Grade Character Answer / Scout
Million Dollar Question 5 th Grade Relationships
1,000,000 Question / Open- Ended question True or False / As Jem and Scout matures, are they growing apart? Is this typical in society? Why or why not? / Open- Ended question True or False / As Jem and Scout matures, are they growing apart? Is this typical in society? Why or why not?
1,000,000 Answer / Yes- you can see the relationship change and Jem seems to want to be with other people. It is typical. / No- Despite troubles, they still maintain a strong relationship. / Yes- you can see the relationship change and Jem seems to want to be with other people. It is typical. / No- Despite troubles, they still maintain a strong relationship.
Thanks for Playing!!!! / Group: Kelly Nguyen, Bethany Kong, Jared Mello, Jimmy Nguyen