will have another stem change in the preterite tense Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ only -ir verbs that stem change in the present tense o- ue - u (presente) – (preterito) recuérdate, dormir – to sleep morir – to die
Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ will have another stem change in the preterite tense Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ only -ir verbs that stem change in the present tense recuérdate, e- ie - i (presente) – (preterito) preferir – to prefer mentir – to lie divertir – to have fun sentir – to feel
Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ will have another stem change in the preterite tense Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ only -ir verbs that stem change in the present tense recuérdate, seguir – to follow servir – to serve pedir – to order/ask for competir – to compete elegir – to elect corregir – to correct e- i - i (presente) – (preterito)
Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ will have another stem change in the preterite tense Este verbo es ___ ____ ___ only -ir verbs that stem change in the present tense recuérdate, repetir – to repeat conseguir- to obtain vestir- to get dressed divertir-to have fun e- i - i (presente) – (preterito)
I Y leer- to read **another 3 rd person change to note!** construir- to construct oír- to hear creer- to think/believe destruir- to destroy caer – to fall