Building Blocks UNMC Installed
UNMC Installed Building Blocks Name Vendor Version Add Users by Role University of Durham 2.0.10 Advanced Group Management Florida State University 1.3.0 Appointment Scheduler ESDD, Singapore Polytechnic 2.0.0 Astrology 1.0.0 Blackboard Content Player Blackboard Inc 60.14.12 Blackboard Link Checker Blackboard Research and Development 2.0.4 Dictionary and Thesaurus Blackboard Inc 2.0.1 Discussion Grader Joliet Junior College: Distance Education 2.0.1 Document Unpackager Joliet Junior College: Distance Education 1.0.3 ewebeditpro4 Ektron Inc. 4.2.0 export617 UNMC 1.0.0 GoogleModule Google 1.0.0 HETemplateModules Blackboard Inc. 1.0.0 Maps Mapquest 1.0.0 My Organizations Plus Seneca College 1.1.5 My Stocks Plus Seneca College 1.0.1 New York Times New York Times 1.1.0 Online Journal Baylor University 2.1.0 Power User Enrollment Tool Florida State University 1.3.0 RSS Content University of Cincinnati 0.4.3 SafeAssignment MyDropBox 2.0.1 Seneca Who's Online Seneca College 1.2.2 Staff Profile Tool acme software 2.1.47 Time Time 1.1.0 Travel Expedia 1.0.0 unmceval University of Nebraska Medical Center 1.0.3 WeatherModule 1.0.0 Zap2itModules Zap2it 1.0.0
Add Users by Role University of Durham 2.0.10 An updated version of the previous tool 'Quick Staff Enroll'. This course tool allows Instructors to add multiple users to a course or community at once, AND directly assign them all a role such as Instructor or Leader, without having to click through the GUI many times. It now differentiates between courses and communities and offers you the appropriate list of roles. The Sys Admin can also set whether Instructors are allowed to mass enroll users with the role of Student in a Course, and/or Participant in a Community.
Advanced Group Management Florida State University 1.3.0 This Course Tool extension appears in the instructor's control panel and provides an alternative to Blackboard's built-in group management tools. It includes the same functions as the built-in tools, with the following additional features: (1) summary display of all groups, their membership count, and enable features in one matrix; (2) ability to view/modify membership assignments to all groups in one display page, and thus more easily balance group assignment tasks; (3) random assignment of students to groups, whether overlapping membership or disjoint; (4) simultaneous multiple deletes of groups.
Appointment Scheduler ESDD, Singapore Polytechnic 2.0.0 This extension uses the Blackboard calendaring to create an appointment scheduling system. It allows user enrolled into a particular course to book an appointment to see their lecturer. The lecturer is able to manage his/her weekly appointments with students. Any appointment made will include detail on purpose of visit which is visible to other student. Each student is allowed a single time-slot per week at the moment. Customisation of any particular requirement is possible.
Astrology 1.0.0 Daily Horoscopes available from
Blackboard Content Player Blackboard Inc 60.14.12 The Content Player Building Block enables instructors to upload and play content that conforms to SCORM, IMS, or NLN standards to a course. This tool is available to instructors through the Control Panel. From an Instructor perspective they can use this tool within the content areas as they add/modify content items within their course. Instructors and Students interact with IMS, SCORM, and NLN content just as they would with other types of Content Items. Students accessing IMS, SCORM, or NLN Content Items simply select the Content Items from within the course. A new browser window opens and displays the content. When Adding SCORM, IMS, or NLN data, the Instructor can enforce sequential navigation and add Content Items to the Grade book. When a Student completes a package the results are automatically reported in the Grade book. The Content Player Building Block supports content that conforms to the IMS Content and Packaging 1.1.3 standard with the webcontent attribute. Information about the standard can be found at: The Content Player Building Block supports content that conforms to the SCORM 1.2 standard. Information about the standard can be found at: The Content Player Building Block supports NLN content. NLN content conforms to the SCORM 1.2 standard. The UK NLN Materials Team is responsible for commissioning and developing over 750 hours of high quality e-learning materials for the NLN that highlights the potential of using e-learning materials in learning and teaching, and offers advice on best practices in integrating the NLN materials into teaching and learning schemes.
Blackboard Link Checker Blackboard Research and Development 2.0.4 With this tool, you can validate the Web Links within the "External Links" area of your Course.
Dictionary and Thesaurus Blackboard Inc 2.0.1 A student extension that allows the user to highlight any word in a Blackboard Course and lookup the dictionary or thesaurus entry for it. Utilizes the Blackboard Resources Center as the main data dictionary.
Discussion Grader Joliet Junior College: Distance Education 2.0.1 The Discussion Grader simplifies the process of evaluating a student's participation in Blackboard discussion forums by allowing an instructor to access to a single page with every message that a student has posted to a particular forum, number of words per message, and number of original messages and replies. After evaluating this information, the instructors can then easily enter a grade for the student which will be stored in the Blackboard gradebook for the course. Note: The Discussion Grader Building Block uses a combination of public and non-public APIs. Because of this it is not known whether updates to Blackboard Learning System delivered via Application Packs, patches or hotfixes may disrupt the functionality of the Discussion Grader Building Block. There is no support available for this Building Block.
Document Unpackager Joliet Junior College: Distance Education 1.0.3 The Document Unpackager allows you to upload a zip file containing folders and files to Blackboard. It is then unpackaged and course content items are created with the files attached. The directory structure within the zipfile is translated into folders within Blackboard. All content created by the Building Block is usable even if the Building Block is removed at a later time.
Ewebeditpro4 Ektron Inc. 4.2.0
Export617 UNMC 1.0.0
GoogleModule Google1.0.0 Search the web using Google’s award-winning search engine
HETemplateModules Blackboard Inc.1.0.0 Templates to use for developing modules appropriate for higher education institutions.
Maps Mapquest 1.0.0 Create maps on demand using the Maps module powered by Mapquest.
My Organizations Plus Seneca College 1.1.5 The My Organizations Plus module provides access to organization sites (can replace the existing My Organizations module) as well as the added ability for leaders to manage organization enrollments. Users with the role of “leader” in an organization will be able to add users, batch add users, remove users, and batch remove users. NOTE: This gets around the issue of not having the ability for Organization Leaders to edit enrollments because the course enrollment feature has been turned off for instructors.
My Stocks Plus Seneca College 1.0.1 The My Stocks Plus module provides access to stock quotes through the Yahoo Finance service. It is the completed sample module from Seneca College's "Developing Blackboard 6.x Portal Modules" located at NOTE: Since this relies on a third party service, this module is not supported and can stop functioning anytime.
New York Times New York Times 1.1.0 Your source for international and national news, information on the latest in science and technology, arts and entertainment news and reviews, sports scores, political business news, analysis and more.
Online Journal Baylor University 2.1.0 The Baylor University My Journal building block application will provide students a web-based journaling environment within Blackboard to record their thoughts and comments about topics related to course materials and projects. The instructor will have the capability to review and to respond to students’ journal entries. The instructor will also have the option of viewing student journals by individual student, specific dates, or all journal entries. The building block provides a professor with an additional tool for assessment, evaluation and discourse. The online journal is a student tool option within Blackboard’s learning system.
Power User Enrollment Tool Florida State University 1.3.0 This course tool appears in the instructors control panel and provides and alternative to Blackboard built in user enrollment and role assignment. It provides the following features: (1) Enroll users and assign roles (e.g. instructor, TA) in a single step; (2) Search for multiple users to add by a comma separated list of keywords searching by last name, username or email; (3) Control paging, the number of users to display per page of search results; (4) Select all functions for both the list of displayed users and role assignments. A flash demonstation is available at:
RSS Content University of Cincinnati 0.4.3
SafeAssignment MyDropBox 2.0.1 SafeAssignment is a revolutionary approach to plagiarism detection providing the world's leading system for detecting student plagiarism. SafeAssignment plug-in is the only plagiarism detection system available on the market designed for Blackboard. This product helps educators expect the most out of their students by preventing plagiarism and providing 100% proof when a paper has been plagiarized. SafeAssignment is fully compatible with all other features and services offered by Blackboard. This service works in conjunction with Blackboard, so every paper submitted to Blackboard is automatically processed through comprehensive plagiarism detection system. Other plagiarism detection services require additional effort of learning to use their proprietary web-based interfaces and maintaining additional set of accounts on their web sites. SafeAssignment saves you time because you will be able to utilize only one site – your Blackboard system – for your teaching and anti-plagiarism needs. It also saves students’ time because they will need to upload their papers only once. SafeAssignment is also the only plagiarism detection system to function in multiple languages. SafeAssignment works well for foreign language classes in English speaking institutions and for non-English speaking educational institutions.
Seneca Who's Online Seneca College 1.2.2 Updated for Blackboard Portal System (release 6.0.11) the Seneca Who's Online portal module displays all users who have a current session within Blackboard. This is good tool to monitor user activity on the system in real-time. Visit the website ( for more details.
Staff Profile Tool acme software 2.1.47 A course control panel tool that allows users to generate staff profiles automatically. These are derived from the personal information already held about users in Blackboard. System Administrators can pre-configure the default settings (which fields to populate and from where). Note that this Building Block was developed collaboratively on a Blackboard 'Knowledge Transfer Event' (that's Building Blocks Training to you and me)
Time Time 1.1.0 This module provides access to the wealth of resources available from TIME. View this week’s current issue of TIME, link to top news headlines, and search the TIME archive – 30,000 articles spanning 17 years all online!
Travel Expedia 1.0.0 Search for flights, hotels, rental cars and more using the Travel module.
Unmceval University of Nebraska Medical Center 1.0.3
WeatherModule 1.0.0 Get weather news and information straight from The Weather Channel.
Zap2itModules Zap2it 1.0.0 Get TV listings and movie showtimes by zip code, from