By: Chelsey Collins and Emina Susic
5 th /6 th grade: Hanover5 th grade: Henrico Brought in manipulatives for the first problem Broke up the students into groups of 2 and had them solve each problem and explain it to the other students Brought manipulatives for only the first part, wanted to use it for every problem Had problems understanding how to set up problems, needed help with that
5 th /6 th grade: Hanover5 th grade: Henrico Stack ◦ At first student A tried working it out without manipulatives. ◦ After using manipulatives she was able to come to the correct solution. ◦ Student B was able to come up with the solution in his head by using mulitiplication and division, he came up with a different answer as student A, but it was still correct. Stacks ◦ Needed help getting started and setting up the stacks ◦ Played around with the manipulatives in order to be able to find the answer, which was 26
5 th /6 th grade: Hanover5 th grade: Henrico
5 th /6 th grade: Hanover5 th grade: Henrico The students were able to solve most problems by themselves without the help of manipulatives. They understood multiplication and division and even ratios. Were able to explain how they solved each problem as well. They understood how to multiply and divide the problems
5 th /6 th grade: Hanover5 th grade: Henrico One student wasn’t able to solve the problem without the help of manipulatives. Used patterns instead of multiplication and division to solve problem A, which works, but isn’t the most effective. Didn’t understand ratios Didn’t know how to divide 60 from 540 Wanted to use manipulatives for every problem
5 th /6 th grade: Hanover5 th grade: Henrico My student for C was also not able to see that 60 and 540 could be simplified before dividing. They understood the basics of ratios (what you do to one, you must do to the other), but they did not actually put them in ratio form. Not being able to simplify two large numbers to solve a problem