FSA Parent Training Park Springs Elementary November 5, 2014
A Look Inside the Florida Standards
LAFS- ELA Florida Standards
MAFS- Math Florida Standards
Florida Standards Location _families.aspx _families.aspx
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Blooms Taxonomy
Depths of Knowledge
DOK Levels…
DOK 1-What is…?
DOK 2- Explain why…
Florida Standards Assessments (FSA)
FSA Mathematics w.FLDOE.org © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. 23 *All sessions administered over two days. For Grades 6-8, Session 1 is on Day 1, Sessions 2 & 3 on Day 2. Grade/SubjectProposed TimeNumber of Sessions* Computer-Based in 2015? 3160 minutes2No 4160 minutes2No 5160 minutes2YesYes 6180 minutes3YesYes 7 3YesYes 8 3YesYes Alg 1Alg 1 2YesYes Geo180 minutes2YesYes Alg 2Alg 2 2YesYes
Percentage of Standards
ELA Writing Assessment w.FLDOE.org © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. 27 The FSA ELA has a Text-Based Writing Component that is administered separately from the rest of the FSA ELA March 2-13, 2015 Reported as part of the ELA score. It is administered earlier to allow time for hand scoring. 10 point Rubric
Writing FSA informative/explanatory For the informative/explanatory writing prompts, students will be required to synthesize and analyze ideas from the stimuli to develop and support a controlling idea. opinion/argumentative For the opinion/argumentative writing prompts, students will be required to synthesize and analyze ideas and evidence from stimuli. They will use these ideas to present and support an opinion (grades 4 ‒ 5) or to argue and support a claim (grades 6 ‒ 11).
FSA English Language Arts - Writing Component ONLY w.FLDOE.org © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. 29 Grade/SubjectProposed TimeNumber of Sessions Computer- Based in 2015? 490 minutes1No 590 minutes1YesYes 6 1YesYes 7 1YesYes 8 1YesYes 9 1YesYes 1090 minutes1YesYes 1190 minutes1YesYes
FSA English Language Arts (Not Including the Writing Component) w.FLDOE.org © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. 30 *All sessions administered over two days. Grade/ SubjectProposed TimeNumber of Sessions* Computer-Based in 2015? 3160 minutes2No 4160 minutes2No 5160 minutes2YesYes 6170 minutes2YesYes 7 2YesYes 8 2YesYes 9180 minutes2YesYes minutes2YesYes minutes2YesYes
FSA Training Tests
Parent Objectives To aide students in completing a Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Training Test and analyze resources in order to: Understand the rigor/complexity of the assessments. Learn and become familiar with the FSA vocabulary. Analyze the test specifications for all subject areas. Learn what the test questions are going to look like.
Log into the FSA portal at
Training Tests
Work with your child to complete all three subject area tests for your child’s grade level. Use the Quick Guide to Training Tests, Section 2, page 9 to locate test tools.
Sample Test Question
What Can You Do As a Parent?
Suggestions Have your child take the online FSA training tests. Become familiar with the website fsassessments.org. Take the training test with your child. Have your child practice typing as much as possible. Type all written homework assignments (ie. Essays) Have your child on First In Math as much as possible to work on math fluency.
Animated Math Models Log into Beep Go to Online Resources (textbooks) Go to Go Math, and your child’s grade level Go to Activities and Tools Then click on Animated Math Models
Work on Math Fluency
Resources Additional Resource-
Thank you for attending our Parent Training … If you are a parent of a fifth grader and/or would like to stay to see a few more of the sample test questions, feel free to stay.