A little about me… I live on Mercer island and this is my 3 rd year at Island Park. I have been teaching for over 20 years. Taught 4 th & 5 th grade, in Advanced Learning Program in Seattle as well as middle and High school classes. I have three children; 2 in Mercer Island Public Schools, one at the Univ. of Montana. (Go Grizzlies!) I love traveling & skiing with friends and family, teaching, walking my dog, camping, biking, reading and soccer.
Math: 5 th Grade Math Expressions Common Core: Inquiry environment Math Talk Fractions and Decimals Operations and Word Problems Geometry & Measurement Algebra, Patterns, Coordinate Graphs Fluency- Mad Minute Math Numberworks + enrichment Practice math facts!!! Science: Salmon & Water Flight & Rocketry Solar System Human Body Science Studies Weekly (newspaper) Investigation and the Scientific Method Social Studies: US History Our Land and First People Exploration & Settlement The English Colonies The American Revolution US Constitution
Writing Writer’s Workshop Narrative/ Research-Based Argument Essay Lens of History Essay/Memoir Integrated throughout the curriculum Conventions Spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing… Handwriting: Zaner-bloser curriculum Reading: Leveled Readers Literature Groups Guided Reading Levels – aligned to the common core Independent Reading Time for Kids, Science Weekly- nonfiction reading practice Aimsweb Benchmark Screening for fluency-oral reading : Technology One-to-one iPads with keyboards Digital Etiquette, Online Safety, Cyberbullying Keyboarding using Type to Learn,Word Processing/Desktop Publishing using Word, Curriculum- related Games & Activities, Charts/Graphs/Data Analysis using Excel, Presentations using PowerPoint Internet research & notetaking Blogging Other current technology for project-based assignments
"Education: It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.” ~ William Feather
Typical Behaviors (meltdowns – social/academic/puberty; always hungry; getting used to the routine) Creating a Homework Habit (always have it, place, time, avoid procrastination) Planning Projects (break down into small pieces, plan around activities, start earlier than later) Organization (pack backpack night before, do binder checks, s, Friday Folder) Goal is to Move Towards Independence