No clase * Points for tarea T) Wksheet * Tarea Due *Time Review T) Wksheet
¡Hola! Me llamo Laura Collins. I am your child’s Spanish Teacher! I tried to make your child’s 1 st day of Spanish Class meaningful, and I will try to do the same with our brief time together tonight!
*I am an 11 ½ year Lockport resident, married to Señor Patrick Collins. *I am Mom to a 3 rd Grader at Butler, a 7 th Grader here ta HJH and a Freshmen at LTHS who graduated from here last year! *This is my 1 st Year at HJH! *I taught Spanish in the Joliet high schools until *I then tutored high school students while my children were young. *I spent the past 9 years doing mild translation work and developing a volunteer art curriculum at one of our feeder schools, WJ Butler. I enjoyed presenting and teaching countless art lessons there. *Now here I am! I could not be happier.
The Basics! Your child is in Spanish class every other day, on either a “Green Day” or a “Gold Day”. Señorita Clayton and I articulate solidly with LTHS so that our 7 th and 8 th grade program successfully prepares students for Spanish 2 in high school. To ensure a smooth transition, we cover the same material as the LTHS Spanish 1 students: *Exprésate Textbook: 7 th Grade Chapters 1-4 & 8 th Grade Review plus Chapters 5-7 Students who successfully complete 8 th Grade Spanish are recommended to LTHS Spanish 2. *Providence attendees take a placement test for which we have guidelines.
Life in Spanish Class: We present material in class, practice it in class and via homework, and then quiz or test to assess success. All of our details are in the Parent Letter which your child (hopefully!) gave to you. Your child is required to record Spanish homework assignments in his/her Assignment notebook, and s/he has been shown how to access my webpage. Your child’s binder is KEY – much more so than the textbook. It contains sections for Warm-Up and Scratch Paper work, Vocab Lists, Notes, Work, and Quizzes/Tests.
Please know that my goal is for EVERY student to ENJOY and ACHIEVE in Spanish Class this year! The packet you picked up high-lights… 1)COMMUNICATION: call/ me… students, too! distribution list WEBSITE PERKS (Let’s take a peek…) “remind” APP 2)STUDY TOOLS: Quizlet (and more coming) 3)A BIT of extra credit 4)EXTRA HELP
I hope that your children will benefit not only linguistically by studying a 2 nd Language, but also culturally. After all, we are all living together in a place called WORLD!