Welcome to Fifth Grade! Eric Schuh Lydiksen Elementary
About Me Originally from San Lorenzo, California Pleasanton resident since 2002 Married with two sons Teaching since 1996 (10 th year here at Lydiksen) Master’s Degree in 2003 Continuing Professional Development
Special Year Instrumental Band & Strings DARE Kindergarten Buddies Outdoor Education Leadership Opportunities
CHANGES YOU MIGHT NOTICE IN YOUR 5TH GRADER Exaggerated emotions may be expressed More conscious and judgmental of own appearance Conforming to peer expectations Has secret codes, meeting places, cliques, etc. Able to be responsible Increased activity and appetite Attempting to conform to societal and peer expectations (which may be in conflict) *Independence from parents begins and child may challenge authority Admits interest in opposite sex Teases and shows off for the opposite sex Needs to be noticed
Philosophy I believe that it is my duty to encourage students to take an active approach to their learning. I believe that every single one of my students is capable of succeeding. I believe that students who do not take an active role in their own education will miss out on opportunities. I believe that no matter what you are doing, you should do your best.
Goals for the Year Independent learners Critical thinkers Excited seekers of knowledge! Meet the California state standards Develop life long skills Prepared for middle school
Expectations Come to school prepared Follow directions the first time they are given. Respect others and their property Stay on task Follow classroom and school rules
Character Education Compassion- be kind to self and others Honesty- tell the truth Responsibility- always do your best Respect- use good manners Integrity- do the right thing Self-discipline- set goals and work towards them
Curriculum/Grading The Curriculum is based on the California State Standards Individual student progress will be assessed each trimester in accordance with established grade level standards. Students who are at risk of not meeting district standards will receive notification and the opportunity to participate in school intervention programs.
Language Arts Reading Writing Written and Oral English Language Conventions Listening and Speaking
Mathematics Number Sense Algebra Functions Measurement and Geometry Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability Mathematical Reasoning
History/Social Science American Indians to Westward Expansion U.S. Geography States and Capitals
Science/Health Physical Science Life Science Earth Science Investigation and Experimentation
P.E., Music and Library P.E. is planned twice per week. Students should wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Music is scheduled one day per week. Band is available for students who are interested. Library is scheduled every other week. Library and research skills will be taught.
Computer Lab Computer lab is scheduled once per week. Students will work on typing skills and curriculum support activities. Students will be introduced to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Composer and similar program applications.
Policies Attendance Students are responsible to make up any missed work. They will have the number of days absent to make up the work. Discipline Loss of Recess, Sentences Praise and Rewards Positive feedback, Table Winners, Auction, Friday Funday
Homework Policy Consistently Monday-Thursday minutes Research and writing will be necessary outside of class. Students are encouraged to take trips to the library. We require that students read a minimum of 20 minutes independently at home. Late work will not be accepted without prior arrangement.
Field Trips Lawrence Livermore Lab HomeRun Readers A’s Game Outdoor School End of the Year Swim Party at the Aquatic Center Age of Sail
Supporting Your Child Praise children for completing their responsibilities Encourage daily practice Assist with remedial math concept work ( Pose higher-order questions about what your student reads Set up a quiet, comfortable study area with good lighting
Supporting the Classroom Room Parent Class Photographer Computer Helper Ink Cartridges (HP, Dell, & Lexmark) Donating to the HELP Fund Wish List items ?
Ways to Contact Me Send in a note with your child Phone ( )
Thank You for coming! I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Questions?