2011 D&O Symposium Symposium 20 – 20 Hindsight What did it look like? Courtesy of Latty New York City ~ February 2 & 3, 2011
History of Your Favorite Underwriters (80+ years of experience) Young Brash Good Looking Smarter than a Fifth Grader? Athletes Style Family Results = Today
Rapid Fire Blue light special: Pay for 2, get 3 yrs Deploying $25 Million ABC Capacity Market Capitalization Reinsurance Rescission Outside Counsel Legal Expenses
Who Knew? Actuaries Risk Modeling Executive Compensation Jail or No Jail Settle before Adjudication Independent Directors More or Less Sleep
Beg 4 forgiveness Sixty (60) D&O Insurers Building for tomorrow Underwriting Criteria Credit Market Due Diligence Decision Making
HMMMMM Multi-year deals Mid-term quotes Enhanced broker compensation Most concerning recent coverage enhancement
Hindsight and Foresight: The Crystal Ball Emerging failed bank issue Industry consolidation Biggest current frustration Biggest current concern Worst account-specific underwriting decision you ever made
Do Tell Are you each shrinking your books dramatically? What are you telling senior management? Are you pegging your 2009 loss ratios meaningfully higher than 2008 or 2007? Do you believe you can create a meaningfully better loss ratio than your peers over time?
AUDIENCE SPEAKS OUT Questions Concerns Observations Time for Cocktails