Dear Parent of _____________________________: During the month of November, I had been talking to your child about this major book report. Time will be given at school to work on this report during December, but your child has permission to work on report at home should he/she wish to. Your child has chosen to prepare a report on the book titled__________________________________. Please sign acknowledging that you have read the expectations and have seen the rubric. Thank you,Parent Signature: Mrs. Bosquez___________________
Book Report Presentation Date: January 7, 2015 Requirements: (1) An 8-slide Power Point Slide Show. Microsoft clip art and transitions may be used. Audio, video clips and sounds may not be added to presentation. (2) Oral Presentation to accompany slide show (3) Prop or product that relates to the book in some way – Ex: I created a track shoe book mark to representation the main scenes in my story. I chose the shoe because my story is about trying out for the track team.
Book Report Timeline November – Find a book to read. Start reading book. November 21 st – Deadline to turn in book title to Mrs. Bosquez. December – Read book. Start working on PowerPoint as soon as you finish reading book. Write a short response in “Reader’s Notebook” and show to Mrs. Bosquez so you can begin slide show work. January 7 – Oral Book Report Presentation Due Date
Book Report Grading Rubric Category (See Slide for example)Possible Points (must be complete to earn full point potential) On time – PowerPoint and Oral presentation on due date 5 Book Title/Author/Genre5 Main Characters10 Setting10 Plot20 Favorite Scene5 Connections10 If I Were the Author…5 Presentation Style – able to be heard by audience, making eye contact, etc. 10 Prop/Product10 WOW Factor – How much effort was noticed during preparation and presentation of book report 10
Book Title Author: Genre: Student Name Slide 1
Main Characters Who is the main character(s) of story? -Physical traits (age, hair color, height) Ex: Matt is a 12 year-old boy with sandy brown hair. He is youngest brother of a very large, Italian family. He is a 6 th grader at City Middle School. He is a fast runner and wants to try out for the school track team. -Personality traits (examples include: funny, quiet, good friend) Ex: Matt is funny and athletic. He makes good grades in class, and gets nervous when he has to speak out in a group. - Be detailed and descriptive (use adjectives) Slide 2
Setting Where does the story take place? Is there just one location, or more than one location where the main action takes place Ex: Most of the story takes place in an East Philadelphia neighborhood where the main characters live, but some of the scenes also take place at Hooper Elementary School. It was the spring of The story takes place during the month of March. Slide 3
Plot Problem – What problem does the main character face? Ex: Joey wants to try out for the school baseball team. Rising Action – How does the character struggle with the problem? Ex: Joey starts training for the baseball tryouts. Slide 4
Plot Climax – This is the critical/turning point in the story Ex: Matt falls during his final practice for the track tryout and sprains his ankle. He must rely on Travis, his main competitor, to help him. Resolution – How does the character’s problem get solved? Ex: Matt is able to use a brace on his ankle. He runs his best time ever and makes the school track team. Slide 5
Favorite Scene What was your favorite scene in the book? Why did you like it so much? You can tell with words and show with pictures/clip art Joey was ready to race and he pushed harder than he thought he ever could. Sweat was pouring out of him, and his lungs were burning from working so hard. He pushed and made it easily across the finish line! Slide 6
Connections Tell of at least 2 connections to the book Text-to-text: How does this story relate to another book that you have read? What book is it? Text-to-self: How does this story relate to you? Be specific. Text-to-world: How does this story relate to something else in the world around you? Be specific. Slide 7
If I Were the Author… How would you change the story if you were the author? You must choose at least one thing to change. Ex: If I were the author of this story, I would have Nicholas be a girl. I would do this so I could better relate to the main character (since I am a girl). Slide 8