Telling Our Story: From Nursing Home in Need to Nursing Home in the Lead Mayfield
Staff Attitude Staff Tardiness/Absenteeism Staff Education Resident Emotional Comfort
Problem Lack of Cooperation Lack of Team Spirit Changes Made More accountability, especially RN/LPN Evaluated all workers More support from leaders “Caught You Caring”
Barriers /Strategies ◦ Old regimen did not want change ◦ Staff convinced nothing would change ◦ Intimidation of leadership making change Result ◦ Happier Staff ◦ Happier residents ◦ True team spirit developed
Problem Came in late all the time Called off whenever wanted Changes Made Found out why calling off or coming late Followed write up policy very deligently Completed survey “If this perfect World” Started flex schedule
Barriers /Strategies ◦ No one was tracking before ◦ Working with staff to do write ups and serve suspension days Result ◦ Absenteeism down ◦ Went from widespread to predictable ◦ Staff can now depend on each other
Problem Inservice program lacking under prior leadership No competencies under prior leadership Changes Made Purchased computer based inservice program Presented in person supplemental inservices Started scheduled competencies Mailbox with educational infomation
Barriers /Strategies ◦ Was not priority with staff ◦ Lot of “catching Up” to do Result ◦ 100% improvement ◦ Raised level of expectation ◦ Staff now requesting additional inservice ◦ Greater “hands on” competency
Problem Residents did not feel their concerns were addressed with prior leadership Changes Made Department Heads – Guardian angel program Concerns addressed twice daily “Caught You Caring”
Barriers /Strategies ◦ c/o before and nothing happened ◦ Needed to build up resident trust that things were different Result ◦ Resident freely reporting problems to guardians ◦ Problems handled with resulting happier staff and residents ◦ Positive comments from residents, families, hospitals, physicians and others
The following overall results have been achieved due to the changes made over the last months: ◦ Pressure Ulcer rates down ◦ Staff satisfaction way up ◦ Residents happier ◦ Hospital readmissions down ◦ MDs more confident with staff ◦ Hospitals have seen improvement in care
Corporate support has been wonderful throughout the entire project. Consultants have been available and check in weekly to help with projects and praise success. The leadership changes have really helped to make this a huge success. Lessons learn continue to be implemented as we go forward.
The momentum continues to build. Staff realize that they are an integral and important part of the facility. They realize they are valued as the residents are. Together we are all working to make Mayfield Care the best place to live and work.
Advancing Excellence: LANE: Mayfield : Brenda Dunlop (773)