Comparatives/Superlatives Comparatives and superlatives are adjectives that show a comparison between objects.
Comparatives My dog is bigger than your dog! Here, BIGGER is a comparative adjective because it compares only two things 1. my dog and 2. your dog.
Comparatives Comparative Adjectives compare only two things For words that have 1-2 syllables use an ‘ER’ ending Big Bigger Small Smaller Sweet Sweeter Nice Nicer *make your own examples
Comparatives Comparative Adjectives compare only two things For words that have 1-2 syllables and end in ‘Y’ take off the ‘Y’ and add ‘ier’ Messy Messier Dry Drier Happy Happier Silly Sillier *make your own examples
Comparatives Comparative Adjectives compare only two things For words that have 3 or more syllables use ‘more’ Intelligent More Intelligent Delicious More Delicious Comfortable More Comfortable *make your own examples
Comparatives 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ 4.__________________________ 5.__________________________ What are some of your examples? ER ending? IER ending? Uses ‘More’?
Superlatives My dog is the biggest. Here BIGGEST is a superlative adjective because it compares three or more things. Here it compares all the dogs at the competition.
Superlatives Superlative Adjectives compare Three or more things For words that have 1-2 syllables use an ‘EST’ ending Big Biggest Small Smallest Sweet Sweetest Nice Nicest *make your own examples
Superlatives Superlative Adjectives compare Three or more things For words that have 1-2 syllables and end in ‘Y’ take off the ‘Y’ and add ‘iest’ Messy Messiest Dry Driest Happy Happiest Silly Silliest *make your own examples
Superlatives Superlative Adjectives compare Three or more things For words that have 3 or more syllables use ‘most’ Intelligent Most Intelligent Delicious Most Delicious Comfortable Most Comfortable *make your own examples
Superlatives 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ 4.__________________________ 5.__________________________ What are some of your examples? EST ending? IEST ending? Uses ‘Most’?
Mrs. Kilian’s dogs and cats!!