Adjectives with one syllable Jednoslabičné prídavné mená ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE 1. stupeň 2. stupeň 3.stupeň small smaller the smallest tall taller the tallest young younger the youngest
Adjectives that end in e Prídavné mená končiace na e ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE 1.stupeň2.stupeň3.stupeň nice nicer the nicest wide wider the widest
Adjectives with one syllable that have a short vowel and end in one consonant ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVECOMPARATIVE 1. stupeň 2. stupeň 3. stupeň big bigger thin thinner hot hotter wet wetter Prídavné mená s krátkou uzavretou slabikou
Adjectives with two or more syllables that don’t end in y Viacslabičné príd. mená, ktoré nekončia na y ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE 1. stupeň 2. stupeň 3. stupeň famous more famous the most famous beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful clever more clever the most clever
Adjectives with two or more syllables that end in y Viacslabičné príd. mená, ktoré končia na y ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE 1.stupeň2.stupeň3.stupeň happy happier the happiest noisy noisier the noisiest
Irregular adjectives Nepravidelné stupňovanie prídavných mien ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE 1. stupeň 2. stupeň 3. stupeň farfurther the furthest goodbetter the best badworse the worst
Doplňte tabuľku: ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE cold happy interesting fine hot good delicious bad
ADJECTIVECOMPARATIVESUPERLATIVE cold colder the coldest happy happier the happiest interesting more interesting the most interesting fine finer the finest hot hotter the hottest goodbetter the best delicious more delicious the most delicious badworse the worst
Comparative in use The USA is larger than Slovakia. 50 cent is happier than Eminem.
Comparative in use Women are more beautiful than men. Madagascar is hotter than Alaska.
Mexico City is the largest city in the world Whale is the biggest of all mammals The river Nile is the longest river on the Earth SUPERLATIVE IN USE
SUPERLATIVE IN USE Vatican is the smallest country in the world Dominik Tatarka is the most famous person born in Plevník-Drienové Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world
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