Outcomes Based on Family Structure –Married Mother/Father Family –Single –Cohabiting –Divorced –Same-sex Couples.


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Presentation transcript:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure –Married Mother/Father Family –Single –Cohabiting –Divorced –Same-sex Couples

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Significantly higher average household income. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2001 – Better physical health and live longer. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics, CDC, No. 351; J. Of Epidemiology And Community Health – Better emotional health. Journal of Family Issues – Happier and find more purpose. Journal of Marriage & the Family; “Marriage and Mental Health in Adults & Children,” Brief No. 4 – More likely to be productive citizens. Journal of Health and Social Behavior – Experience more satisfying intimacy. The National Marriage Project Married (v. single) adults:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Less likely to be aborted, abused, or neglected. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health – Less likely to have a premarital birth in high school. Journal of Adolescent Research – Have higher GPAs and lower dropout rates. Family Matters: Family Structure and Child Outcomes – Lower rate of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Children of married (v. other) parents:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Do better economically. Social Forces – Have better physical health and increased life expectancy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – Engage in fewer risky behaviors (e.g., drugs/premarital sex) Journal of Marriage and the Family – Less likely to have emotional or behavioral problems. Pediatrics - Less likely to divorce as adults. Journal of Marriage and Family Children of married parents (cont’d):

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Worse physical and mental health. Journal of Family Issues – Earn less and possess fewer assets. Social Forces – Much more likely to separate. Journal of Marriage and Family – Experience more conflict and violence. Journal of Marriage and Family – More likely to suffer sexual abuse (women only). The case for marriage: Why married people are happier, healthier, and better off financially Cohabiting (v. married) couples:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Significantly higher rates of physical and sexual abuse. Pediatrics – More likely to cheat in, or be suspended from, school. Marriage and Mental Health in Adults and Children, Research Brief No. 4 – More likely to engage in delinquent behavior. Marriage and Mental Health in Adults and Children, Research Brief No. 4 – Poorer emotional development. Journal of Health and Social Behavior Children in cohabiting (v. married) households:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – More than twice as likely to commit suicide. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health – Higher rates of violence by spouses, ex-spouses, and/or boyfriends. National Crime Victimization Survey, U.S. Department of Justice – Greater economic hardships (especially women). Demography – Greater depression, substance abuse, and poor health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior Separated or divorced (v. married) adults:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Less likely to attend and graduate from college. Demography – More likely to experience economic hardship and deep poverty. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management – More likely to experience depression or anxiety in their 20s or 30s. American Sociological Review – Twice the risk of serious psychological problems. Marriage and Mental Health in Adults and Children, Research Brief No. 4 – More likely to get involved in early sexual activity. Journal of Marriage and Family – More likely to use drugs and alcohol. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage Children of divorced couples:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – Significantly higher rate of domestic violence with their partners. Psychological Reports – Seven times more likely to attempt suicide. Death Studies – Lower life expectancy by 20 to 30 years. Psychological Reports – Incidence of HIV/AIDS that is up to 430 times higher. Clinical Psychiatry News – Three times the number of drug & alcohol dependencies. The International Journal of Addictions – More likely to have mental and emotional disorders/illnesses. Archives of General Psychiatry Men who engage in homosexual behavior:

Outcomes Based on Family Structure – More likely to be victims of domestic violence. Psychological Reports – Higher rate of sexual coercion by their partner. Journal of Sex Research – More likely to use drugs and alcohol. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry – Twice as likely to attempt suicide. American Journal of Psychiatry – Higher risk of deliberate self-harm. BMC Psychiatry Women who engage in lesbian behavior (v. heterosexual):