Shared Medical Visits
What Is a Shared Medical Visit? A shared medical visit is usually a 90-minute medical visit that is shared with 8 to 15 other patients Your doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant is there Other members of your healthcare team may also be there During a shared visit, you still get your own time to be examined and talk about personal issues privately with your doctor
Conditions That Are Often the Focus of Shared Visits Weight control Diabetes High blood pressure Heart disease Asthma Depression Osteoporosis Multiple sclerosis Sleep problems Women’s health Well-care or “preventive care” (physicals, annual exams)
Benefits You get to see healthcare providers who are experts on different topics like: o Disease management o Medication taking o Healthy eating o Behavior and lifestyle changes You get help and tips from other patients who have the same condition and can learn more when you hear: o What other patients are going through o What they ask o The way they fix their problems You get more face time with your doctor than you would in a regular visit and usually feel less rushed
These Types of Visits can… Make you happier with your doctor Make your relationship with your doctor better Cut back visits to specialists Help you do better with your health Help you stay on top of your medicines Help you take better care of yourself Make you happier in general
These Visits Are Your Choice and Are Kept Private Your own medical history and condition(s) are NOT shared with the group as a whole If you want to, you can share your story with other patients You sign a special form (called a “HIPAA” notice) for the group visit that states that you: o Agree to meet with a group of patients and your doctor o Understand that you have the choice to be seen by your doctor in this group or alone o Agree to keep everything that you hear about other patients in the group private o Agree to pay your co-pay or bill for the group visit
How Will It Work? (Osteoporosis Example) Minutes 60 Minutes (30 Minutes each) Minutes Check-in, Introductions, Welcome Group Education Nutrition for better bone health Tips for taking bisphosphonates Cutting back alcohol Weight-bearing exercise for healthy bones Break for Nurse and Physician Time Check vital signs Discuss BMD results Refills Private exam Q&A and Follow- up Appointment Planning
What Other Patients Are Saying About Shared Visits “I like this type of visit because I get to hear other patients’ questions” “It was calming to know that there are other people out there with the same problem I have” “I liked the fact that I did not have to wait that long for an appointment, and I learned a lot while I was there” “This was a very professional team and a very informative appointment”
The Benefits of Shared Visits: A Recap Longer appointments in a private, less formal setting with other patients who bring up questions you may not have thought to ask or may be uncomfortable asking You get private time with your doctor and shared time during the same appointment; in some cases, you can have tests done and can get results right away, saving you another trip to the office Every part of the shared visit is set up to give you as much time as possible with your doctor
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