Урок-конкурс «Быстрее, выше, сильнее» по теме “Sport is fun”(7 класс) Бобаченко С.В.
Draw the mascot of the competition, give its characteristic 1. An owl is a wise bird. It knows much, it is the cleverest bird. It can see in the darkness best of all. 1. An owl is a wise bird. It knows much, it is the cleverest bird. It can see in the darkness best of all. 2. A dolphin is the most intelligent and friendly of all animals. It is cheerful, it can swim very well and it can save people. 2. A dolphin is the most intelligent and friendly of all animals. It is cheerful, it can swim very well and it can save people. 3. An elephant is very big and strong. It works hard, it helps people in their work. 3. An elephant is very big and strong. It works hard, it helps people in their work.
2.Captains’ contest. Восстанови слова. 1 bad cy sw- - -ing 1 bad cy sw- - -ing bas sk gym bas sk gym j skating water Teams’ contest. Запишите слова в транскрипции. j skating water Teams’ contest. Запишите слова в транскрипции. 1. golf 2. boxing 3. tennis 1. golf 2. boxing 3. tennis healthy gym cricket healthy gym cricket club sports soccer club sports soccer
1 bad m i n t on 2. cy c l i n g 3. s w i m m ing j u d o f i g u r e skating water p o l o basketball skiing gymnastics basketball skiing gymnastics 1. [ g ס lf] 2.[b ס ksiŋ] 3. [tenis] 1. [ g ס lf] 2.[b ס ksiŋ] 3. [tenis] [hel Ө i] [dзim] [krikit] [hel Ө i] [dзim] [krikit] [kl ۸ b] [spо ׃ ts] [ s ס k ə ] [kl ۸ b] [spо ׃ ts] [ s ס k ə ]
3. Phonetic Skills Read the words correctly. Read the words correctly. 1.[ ] 2. [ ] 3. [ ] Swimming, boxing kickboxing, sick nurse, first Skating, skiing figure, illness nervous, Cycling, wrestling swim, fitness early, words Surfing, jumping quickly, vitamin surf, world 1.[ ] 2. [ ] 3. [ ] Swimming, boxing kickboxing, sick nurse, first Skating, skiing figure, illness nervous, Cycling, wrestling swim, fitness early, words Surfing, jumping quickly, vitamin surf, world
1. [ŋ] 2. [i] 3. [з:] 1. [ŋ] 2. [i] 3. [з:] swimming, boxing kickboxing, sick nurse, first cycling, wrestling fitness, swim nervous swimming, boxing kickboxing, sick nurse, first cycling, wrestling fitness, swim nervous surfing, jumping quickly, vitamin early, words surfing, jumping quickly, vitamin early, words
Прочитайте правила и составьте памятку для себя и своих одноклассников, используя условные предложения (If…….you might). e.g. If you never miss breakfast you might stay happier. Never missing breakfast Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night Doing exercise at least 3 to 4 hours each week Avoiding tobacco, drugs and alcohol Use these expressions: To become stronger To be healthy/ energetic To feel fine/well/ confident To stay happier To get rid of stress Health Habits Stage
If you eat three meals a day you might become stronger. If you eat three meals a day you might become stronger. If you avoid tobacco, drugs and alcohol you might live longer. If you avoid tobacco, drugs and alcohol you might live longer. If you do exercises at least three to four hours each week you might be healthy. If you do exercises at least three to four hours each week you might be healthy.
Are you a good reader? Fill in the gaps with the correct word. Read it aloud.
History of the Olympic Games
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