DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES James Chrisp Before knowing Christ I felt lost and empty. I had low self esteem was angry with the world. I knew something was missing and felt there was nothing worth living for. I came along to KingsGate and I found Jesus Christ! Everything Changed! I received God’s forgiveness for past mistakes and now have a life worth living.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Alex Coubrough I was selfish, very stubborn and had hurt a lot of people. I sensed my heart was hardened. Changes I saw in a good friend’s life, who attended KingsGate, made me search for God more. Through God’s help, I have now turned my back on my old, harmful life and know the Spirit’s guidance. My heart has been warmed, both to people and to God, and I am ready to move forward with Him.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Miriam S Dominiqueg Augusto My grandmother taught me about the Bible. When I was 12 I gave my life to Jesus. Since 2010 I have been coming to KingsGate and I’ve got to know Jesus more, trusting in His love and grace. I am being baptised now as I want to express my full dependency on Jesus.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Chantelle Duncan I came to faith at an young age, but later drifted away and choose my own path in life. My life became turbulent and full of disappointment. After being invited to a guest service at KingsGate I made the decision to fully commit my life to Jesus. I am now happier, more patient and purposeful. I am really thankful for God’s love and forgiveness.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Katy Dunmall I came to Christ at the age of 14, but after my time at university I drifted away from following God. I went down “the wrong road” and had an unhealthy relationship. I came to KingsGate and recommitted my life to God. Now I feel secure and confident, trusting in God’s blessing in my life as I follow Jesus.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Silvia Dziackova For many years I had faith in God but I didn’t know I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. I had tried to please God and earn His acceptance. But when I came to KingsGate I understood that God is good and He cares for me as a dearly loved child. I am being baptised to declare my desire to follow Jesus and grow to know Him more. I look forward to what God has prepared for my future.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Ewan Edmunds I grew up in a Christian family but it was only after a time in hospital that I felt God really speak to me. Since coming to know Jesus my relationships have changed for the better. I am reading the Bible, understanding it, taking it seriously and acting differently as a result. I know a new sense of freedom and love in my life.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Natasha Gunn I became a Christian several years ago but found it difficult to fully trust everything to God. Over the past year I know Jesus has opened my heart. I know His presence with me and have a peace and a freedom to be the person He wants me to be. I am ready to be baptised and excited about what God has in store for me and my family.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Abigail Halliday I grew up in a Christian family and believed in Jesus but I still had a lot of doubts. Through doing the Youth Alpha Course I understood more what it means to give my life to Jesus. Through Alpha I had a lot of questions answered and now have a much stronger relationship with God. I am being baptised to show my stronger faith in God.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Timmie Kehinde I grew up in a Christian family but it was at a KingsGate youth camp I decided to make a personal step of faith, giving my life to Jesus. Friends see I am a happier person and less anxious about the future, knowing God has a plan for my life. I am secure in Him and would love to help other young people find Him on their life's journey.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Robert Charles Lane I had no sense of purpose, I just lived day to day. I was invited to KingsGate and then attended both the Alpha and the Beta Courses. Since coming to know Jesus I now have a sense of purpose and a strong feeling of belonging. As I discover more about being “in Christ”, I am growing a closer and deeper relationship with God.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Beverley Ogoe I was born into a Christian family and thought the Christian life meant always trying to be good, “going to church”. I have now realised it is about what Christ has done for me and so I have made a decision to live for Him. I feel that void I had being filled. I truly feel like a new life has begun in me through God’s Holy Spirit.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Richard Shillam I was an angry kid and had trouble with friendships at school. My mum encouraged me to go to mid-week events organised by the local church. It was here that the Bible started to make sense for me. I gave my life to Jesus and my life has been transformed! I am being baptised as I now understand it’s importance.
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Kelly Sullivan I thought my life was good. I had a job, friends, family and money. I thought that was all I needed. A friend invited me to the Christmas Service at KingsGate. Here I sensed that there was more to life. I joined the Alpha Course and through it I committed my life to Jesus. God has changed my life more than I thought possible. I have an inner sense of peace. I know God is with me!
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Stephen Wild Before coming to know Jesus I was in a very dark place in my life. I was very angry and suicidal. A Christian friend prayed for me and things started to change. Since coming to KingsGate I have experienced wonderful freedom. 15 years of anger and depression have been lifted. God has healed me! I want others to know how wonderful God is!
DO NOT USE THESE SECTIONS – EDIT WITHIN THE YELLOW DASHED LINE ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY EFFECTS ON EITHER TEXT OR IMAGES DO NOT USE ANY TIMINGS OR TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SLIDES Michael Withers I grew up in a Christian family and at the age of 13 made my own declaration of faith in Jesus. Since then I have grown in my relationship with God but had not considered that baptism was important. However I now want to be baptised to follow Jesus’ example and to make a public declaration that I intend to follow Jesus fully for the rest of my life.