…………………………………………………………………………………… DAN NEWMARK PRINCIPAL, APRIMO INC. EPW Process - Setting Expectations and Delivering Performance Evaluations 1
…………………………………………………………………………………… Why YOU Should complete Performance Evals Moral Obligation – Most people can’t evaluate their performance objectively they way their daily manager can. If YOU don’t reinforce positive behavior and help them work on areas that will cause them problems in the future, who will? Culture – We are about excellence. We want to attract people who like to be challenged and are always seeking to grow. People who feel they have that opportunity here will recruit other A-players to join our team. Better Teams – It can be a challenge to manage someone who is bored and unmotivated, and they can negatively influence the customer or coworkers. These resources leave for better cultures, leaving you to manage a new hire. Your Boss Says So – Director variable comp is held until regional EPWs are complete; this policy will extend to all managers if EPWs aren’t done thoroughly and timely. Motivation - Someone working towards goals, especially ones they helped design and buy into, will be productive, happier, more pleasant with you and coworkers and the customer, and stay dedicated/motivated during rocky project phases. 2
…………………………………………………………………………………… The P’s of preparing to set expectations Past performance – phone their last two project managers for info on their strengths and weaknesses Personality profile – check their DISC profile to assess what might be behavioral/communication strongpoints or challenges (HR has these personality profiles on file) Product – ask them to self assess on the relevant modules in the product module checklist; do they need self-study or regular enablement sessions ? Professional growth plan – ask them to pull out Career Model line items from their current or next level they’d like to check off in this project 3
…………………………………………………………………………………… Possible general expectations for a Tech Consultant Methodology - proactively schedule offsite team stagegates (Functional Spec Review, Technical Spec Review, Code Review, QA Review, Customer Care Handoff) Quality – minimal iterations and rework required in stagegates or in QA Timing - Meet deadlines (for Func Specs, Tech Specs, Dev Drops, QA) Communication - Communicate any potential delays/issues/risks early on so PM can develop mitigation plan (“bad news is only bad news when delivered too late”) “Hygiene” - Provide full documentation and regularly do backups and check in code 4
…………………………………………………………………………………… Expectations good for any consultant on any project Sales/Marketing – Participate in business development directly, or by suggesting opportunities to the PM. Evangelize by blogging, going to networking events, etc. Journaling – At the end of each week send PM a summary of your accomplished, planned but not accomplished, and issues/risks (this helps when you have to complete the EPW, and also grooms future PMs to look at the project holistically) Balance – Leaving by 6PM at least once a week to work out, attend a team dinner, or organize a team outing Admin – 100% compliance in submitting timesheets and expenses by weekly/monthly deadlines 5
…………………………………………………………………………………… Delivering the EPW Policies – EPWs are due for any resource working 40+ hours on your project, or every three months they are on your project. They’re due promptly after resource rolloff. Self-Eval – Ask them to do a self eval. The primary reason to do this is to see how self-aware the resource is – will they be expecting pure praise or also constructive criticism. Preparation - Think about how receptive they will be to your messages and the best way to communicate them (possibly based on personality profile). Pick 3 or so key messages you want to convey instead of overwhelming them. Face to Face – if you can deliver in person, this is ideal. Phone is next best. Do not just the EPW and ask for feedback via . Also do not share the EPW until 5 or 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Goals for Next Project – “areas for improvement” are actually presenting them with advice and tools to succeed in their next project and hopefully more closely align to a promotion path. Encourage them to take these goals to their next PM. 6