Introduction Small Steps 4 Life is an exciting initiative that helps young people make pledges to eat well, get active and feel good. Eating healthily and feeling good are very important to me, as I'm always on the go planning my next big expedition or adventure. So my challenge is to eat breakfast every day and keep positive so I always have the energy to do my best. Remember, it's all about Small Steps 4 Life. You don't have to be an Olympic Gold Medallist to take part, Small Steps 4 Life is about what you want to do. So sign your school up and take your first Small Steps to a healthier, happier life.
Olympic values Today SmallSteps4Life is to help initiate and support long-term behaviour change amongst children and young people SmallSteps4Life will help motivate children and young people to take manageable steps to improve their health and wellbeing through achievable challenges around eating well, getting active and feeling good.
Eat well information Food affects us in many ways. Yes, nutrition is important, but the food we eat provides us with more than vitamins and nutrients. Enjoying food together with friends and family can help us to relate better with others and gives us a chance to talk to each other about what’s going on in our lives.
Get active information Do something you enjoy and soon you’ll begin to see the benefits. And there are loads of benefits to being physically active. Such as: Having fun Having more energy Being able to sleep better Keeping flexible Feeling more relaxed and happier Having a healthy heart Having stronger muscles and bones Maintaining a healthy weight
Feel good information Ever heard the phrase, "laughter is the best medicine"? When you laugh, endorphins ("feel good" hormones) are released, meaning you’ll probably feel more relaxed and less stressed. Pretty good for a simple chuckle.