Driver Wellness Nueces County Risk Management
Session Objectives Understand why wellness matters Manage fatigue and stress on the job Prevent colds and flu Avoid crime and violence Live a healthy, productive lifestyle
Many accidents are health related, which makes wellness an important safety factor Being healthy helps you function better on and off the job Wellness keeps you on the job earning a paycheck Preventing illness and disease allows you to live a more comfortable, longer, happier life Why Wellness Matters
Fatigue Increased risk of making mistake Inattention contributes to 50% all crashes Fatigue is factor in 15% of fatal crashes Fatigue affects reflexes, judgment, concentration, alertness, and mood
Managing Fatigue Get enough sleep Eat well-balanced meals Keep car environment comfortable Take periodic rest breaks Pull over
Stress Sources Physical discomfort Contributes to disease Affects mood and safety attitude
Managing Stress Count to 10 or take deep breaths Listen to music Talk about problems Maintain a sense of humor Exercise Relax
Ergonomics Carefully get in and out of your vehicle Use good driving posture Adjust your seat Shift your position Walk around and stretch on breaks Lift and carry heavy objects properly
Regular medical exams and screening Eye care Dental cleaning and checkup Take medications as directed Preventive Health Care
Preventing Colds and Flu Avoid direct contact with sick people Keep your hands clean Avoid touching face with unwashed hands Drink plenty of fluids Get enough sleep
Crime and Violence Prevention Lock your vehicle Be careful in parking lots, rest stops, and on the street Carry a cell phone and report suspicious activity Don’t get involved in disputes Report any crime or violence
Wellness Basics: Which Statements Are True? Wellness has little to do with your job. Wellness involves getting preventive health care. Unmanaged stress can make you sick. There’s no effective way to avoid colds and flu in a job like yours. Fatigue is a job hazard you can’t avoid.
Wellness Basics Do you understand: The importance of wellness? Fatigue and stress hazards and management? The importance of preventive health care? How to prevent colds and flu? Steps to avoid crime and violence on the road?
Lung cancer and death Heart disease, stroke, and emphysema Quitting reduces illness and disease Healthy Lifestyle: Smoking Millions Have Quit. You Can Too!
Healthy Lifestyle: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Drink in moderation Be careful when taking medications Choose not to use illegal drugs
Healthy Lifestyle: Sleep Develop a routine Go to sleep and wake at the same time Create a comfortable atmosphere Watch what you eat and drink Get treatment for persistent problems
Healthy Lifestyle: Weight Control Extra weight can lead to disease To maintain a healthy weight: Eat a nutritious diet Get enough physical activity Balance calories with physical activity
Healthy Lifestyle: Nutrition Fruits and vegetables Whole grains Low-fat dairy products Lean meat, poultry, and fish Beans, nuts, eggs Water Reduction of fat, cholesterol, salt, and added sugar
Eating out Pick lower-fat foods and smaller portions Go broiled or baked Order a salad or vegetables Skip dessert Pack your own meals Healthy Lifestyle: Eating Well on the Road
Healthy Lifestyle: Exercise Tips for getting daily exercise Walk around parking lot, or jump rope Park further away and walk Do sit-ups and push-ups Have a routine for days off
Healthy Lifestyle: Family Ties Call home frequently Take pictures of family and friends Make a video or DVD of yourself Plan family activities Keep in touch with friends
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: True or False? If you’ve smoked for a long time, healthwise it’s not worth quitting now. You should develop a routine that helps you relax and prepare for sleep. The only way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat a lot less. There’s not much you can do about healthy eating on the road.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices Do you understand: Why smoking and substance abuse are bad for your health? How to get good night’s sleep? How to maintain a healthy weight? Proper nutrition and tips for eating healthy? Need for regular exercise? Importance of maintaining family ties?
Key Points to Remember Wellness is an important factor in your job and in your life. Making healthy choices will help you be safer and more productive on the job. Good health also contributes to a better, longer, happier life. Simple lifestyle choices can help you improve wellness and live a healthier life.