Introduction This PowerPoint presentation was developed to introduce the members the concept of the 48/72 (2on/3off) work schedule. Please view this presentation on a possible alternative work schedule with an open mind and you just might find yourself surprised at the end. Enjoy…..
Proposal for 48/72 Schedule
Introduction F-25 membership have been looking at and discussing the possibility of a 48/72 schedule for some time. This issue has been put to a union online vote, and the majority wish this change. The demographics of the department and the realities of increased commuting times and now increased fuel costs have changed and will continue, this we find motives more membership to want this change.
Introduction, continued The purpose of this presentation is to present the issues relevant to such a change in our working hours. Any trial period that we would ever propose to undertake would be only a trial. This is meant to be a fair treatment of the issues and questions and comments are welcome from all.
48/72 Work Schedule Background After reviewing other DoD FDs there is an increasing number of them using this schedule with satisfaction. The departments that switched to this schedule have seen: Relief from long commutes Increased moral by providing additional three days Increased family time
48/72 Work Schedule Background Cont. At this time there are at least 10 DoD FDs using this schedule. Several others are actively investigating it. Most department that look at this type of change vote for a six month or one year trial period. In some cases, an escape clause was added to the agreement to allow management or labor to opt out of the trial period at any time. No department has exercised this clause.
Interesting Findings All of the departments working the 48/72 share an overwhelming level of satisfaction with this schedule. None of the agencies chose to return to their previous schedules.
What does the 48/72 schedule look like? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday On Duty Off This is one of several groups firefighters would fall into.
How do the schedules compare?
How many days will I wake up at home with my family? Current Schedule 4 days per month 52 days per year 48/72 Schedule 10 days per month 127 days per year Over 140% Increase
How many three day off periods do I get in a 48/72 schedule? Current Schedule 26 times per year. 2 per month 48/72 Schedule 51 times per year 4 per month 100% Increase
How does it effect my use of Vacation time? Taking two shifts off currently gives you a five day. will give you eight days off.
How many days will I have to commute to or from work? Current Schedule 156 days per year Using example commute of 45 miles with 45 minute average travel time: 14040 miles per year 234 travel hours per year. 48/72 Schedule 78 days per year Using example commute of 45 miles with 45 minute average travel time: 7020 miles per year 117 travel hours per year.
How much will I save? Regardless of your fuel costs you will cut it in 1/2 with the 48/72 schedule. You will also see Brakes, Tires…last much longer. Save wear and tear on yourself by sitting in traffic 50% less. Have 50% less exposure to a possible traffic accident. Fewer miles driven each year will reduce your insurance costs. Vehicle retains value over a longer period of time due to lower mileage.
How many overtimes can I work without working another 48? Current Schedule 26 days per year 48/72 Schedule 53 days per year 100% Increase
Are the shifts hired as 24 hour shifts or 48 hour shifts? All overtime shifts should be hired by as 24 hour shifts and treated as such for all hiring purposes. Could work both days of a vacancy if you were up for both and did not exceed “maximum hours worked” rules.
Will this affect my ability to do Shift Trades ? Should still be able to do shift trades for the same amount of days under the current contract. Could be 24 hour or 48 hour
Why should management like the 48/72 schedule? Better workflow and Continuity as a shift works for two days in a row. Easier to schedule training coverage on second day of shift without the complication of holdovers and delay in coverage we currently experience. Morale increase in the members creates a happier workforce.
Why should management like the 48/72 schedule?...continued Management can show that they are indeed forward-thinking and willing to accept and embrace change. More efficient fire inspection program due to less time between initial inspections and follow-up inspections.
Why should management like the 48/72 schedule?...continued 50% reduction in employee vehicle mileage to and from work that could benefit the base and gain AQMD benefits.
Fatigue and the 48/72 One of the biggest advantages of the 48/72 schedule is it allows employees more opportunity to recover from sleep deprivation / long-term fatigue.
Fatigue and the 48/72 Departments found that after the schedule change, concerns about increased fatigue were not realized. Departments found that over time the schedule can significantly reduce fatigue. Departments saw no increase in injuries or disabilities resulting from the schedule change. Departments have seen a reduction in sick leave use.
Fatigue and the 48/72 During busy periods, short term fatigue is expected for some individuals working our current schedule, the 48/72, or any schedule. It’s the nature of being a Firefighter Many employees already voluntarily work extended shifts (i.e. 48s, 72s, 96s, ect.) 48/72 Increases rest periods (3 days) from 26 to 51 a year a 100% Increase The frequency of 3 days increases to a 3-day every 2 shifts as opposed to every 6 shifts currently.
PRO Every time you go home you have a 3-Days off or a 2 day off More overtime days without working a 72 Less total times that you can be force into a 72 hour overtime Better continuity of workflow for two days in a row Less money spent on rising fuel costs.
PRO, con’t Increase in Morale as seen in Departments that have switched. More Time with family More 3-Days - 25 More Per year Commuting time and distance cut in Half resulting in less driving expenses and less wear and tear on vehicle.
What do we do now???? If you think this proposal has merit, talk it up with you crew, families, other members, and Station Steward. If enough interest is shown, we can move towards a poll and than a vote to move forward with a trial run period of six months or a year - See next slide for example The trial would be contingent on approval of management. All issues relating to the trial would be worked out by committee and with management between now and the start of the trial.
Vote Proposal for 48/72 In house vote to start Online internet vote (NO) Normal schedule (No Change) (YES) Present to Management (YES) Start 6 month Trial After 6 month trail conduct another online vote (NO) Return to normal schedule (YES) Make it permanent
Retention and Recruitment Although no data exists to prove this theory, the committee believes that retention and recruitment would be increased as the 48/72 has become a very desirable schedule. Report notes, not a single department has voted to revert back to their original schedule after a trial period of the 48/72. In fact, the voting percentages increased dramatically of nearly every department researched from implementing the trial period to making the schedule permanent. This shows the popularity of the 48/72 across a wide spectrum of demographics.
Holiday Rotation On our current schedule there is a large imbalance between shifts as to who works holidays. The 48/72 would balance the holiday rotation significantly.
Less Fatigue On our current schedule, if we have to work a 48, it seems arduous and tiring. Remember that we only have 24 hours either before or after that 48 for recovery. On the 48/72 we would always receive 72 hours both before and after our tour of duty. On the 48/72, if a member accepts a 24 hour overtime shift or works a single trade, he/she has the potential to work 72 hours. He would still have a minimum of 48 hours of recovery either before or after working 72 hours. The 48/72 provides more recovery time than our current schedule or any other schedule, thus reducing long term fatigue.
Productivity Productivity can either be increased or decreased while working the 48/72. Productivity is subject to the motivation of the station captain and their crew. Many captains believe that they can actually be more productive while working the 48/72 than on our current schedule, others believe the opposite. Although a work schedule can assist with a person’s productivity or motivation, the committee believes that productivity is entirely up to the captain and his crew, and that a motivated person can be productive regardless of which schedule they are working.. The 48-hour cycle shall be defined as two consecutive 24-hour shift days. The 72-hour cycle between shifts shall be defined as three consecutive 24-hour days. For the purpose of vacation, sick leave, shift trade, or any other time off, each 48-hour cycle will be broken down to two, 24-hour shifts. Time off can be taken in any increments of time in each 24-hour period
Holiday Schedule Adjustment Christmas A complete shift swap is made when Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are on the same shift. The shift originally assigned to work December 23rd is reassigned to work December 24th. The shift originally assigned to work December 24th is reassigned to work December 23rd. New Years’ Day A complete shift swap is made when New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are on the same shift. The shift originally assigned to work December 30th is reassigned to work December 31st. The shift originally assigned to work December 31st is reassigned to work December 30th.
Fiscal Impact We see no additional fiscal impact from the Navy. The costs will remain as they currently are, with the possibility of reduced sick leave usage and workers comp. Other departments that have gone to this schedule have shown trends in these fiscal savings areas.
Implementation Sick Time The committee recommends that no changes be made to our current method of using sick time. Members need to understand that when they call in sick, it is for 24 hours unless they state otherwise. Calling in sick at the start of a tour would not mean you are calling in sick for 48 hours unless you make that known to the duty AC. If a member calls in sick for more than two consecutive 24 hour shifts, they will need a doctor’s note before returning to duty. This is in compliance with the current contract (NNSY) sick time usage policy. Once again, no changes need to be made concerning sick time usage. Call Back/Overtime The committee recommends that changes need to be made concerning our current method of call back/overtime. This needs to be Regional wide, we recommend the there be a max number of maditory hours worked (only forced to work 24 hours of overtime) 72 hours max on duty.
Input from other Departments All the departments have found the more projects get completed in a timely manner. The employees can concentrate on one thing for 2 days. Contacting outside people and following up the very next day was a common theme. Those people on a regular work schedule are able to call back the next day and talk to the correct person. Interruptions during the day also does not sidetrack people as much, they can finish up the next day. People did not forget things that needed to be told to the oncoming person, on duty personnel could handle it themselves the next day. There were some negative outcomes from this work schedule. Communication is an important process with this 48/72-work schedule. One shift can be working on a weekend cycle and miss the administration people for two weeks at a time. There must be good communication via email and telephone messages. Good instructions to your internal and external customers are very important. Being very clear when you are working and which days you will be back is a necessary process for this work schedule. Other identifiable possible shortcomings might include the following: if you have a very busy station with crews being up all night, the perception is they may not be of much use the next day. Items such as station maintenance and vehicle maintenance can be a problem if the crews do not make a conscious effort to do it everyday they are working. Crews have to hit the ground running the first day, because you only have two days in a cycle to get everything done. Some departments stated that it was not uncommon to work until 6 or 7 pm to finish projects. You can also lose your customer service influence if employees are at home and not supporting the events going on in your city. The department has to be aware of this possibility and the employees have to be aware also, so as not to let this happen over time. The benefits of the 48/72-work schedule were apparent across the board. All the personnel who were against going to this schedule in the beginning have changed their opinion to support for it. The fire departments and cities have found this work schedule a valuable tool in recruiting and retention of employees.
We went out and found more information on the 48/72-work schedule from some of the fire departments that are using this as of today. We talked to the training chiefs and operation chiefs of those departments for their insights and issues on the new work schedule. We asked how this schedule had impacted their day-to-day operations. Some common threads came to the surface and we list them in the following pages. The issue of sick leave use has been brought up in all the departments, in all but one department the sick leave use has gone down. More people were willing to work overtime because they have been off more. Fully staffed departments have not had any problems with people volunteering to work the overtime. Scheduling overtime was an issue. If you hold over one day, you have to be able to get someone else the next day. Early notification of sick use can prevent most of this. Most people did not want to use 2 days of sick time at once. The training chiefs all said that the scheduling of training was about the same now as before. They just had to plan a little more with the 48/72-work schedule. There are enough overlap days to schedule training with other agencies on different work schedules. No one department had many issues with bringing in outside trainers for specialized training. They just had to bring them in for two days and then an additional day later in the month. Training officers did feel that more training was getting done. They could start one day on certain training and if it was interrupted for emergencies, it was very easy to continue it the next day with the same crew.
Questions and Concerns from our Membership A & B Shift will cease to exist. Under the Group System, you will work with different people every day you work each pay period. You will be working with different Asst. Chiefs, Battalion Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants, and Firefighters each day. We understand that and believe that we will make it work Company Officers will no longer have a “company”. It changes every day. Yes it changes but as we work things out you will see that you will be working with the same guys over and over like we do now. Officers will have a larger company… Even if you are assigned to a specific apparatus, you will not spend much time on it. Crash and structural will do lots more ride-offs to cover positions. This goes for Captains and Lieutenants also. Yes true but as things go along it will work out You will not be sleeping in the same rack very often. Each shift a few people will have to find a different rack. Another trade off. You still have the same number of people in the station so bedding is not a problem just moving to a different rack but after doing this for a while everyone will get use to it and it will work out...Other stations guys sleep in the same rack night after night. The dinner clubs that many participate in will be much harder to manage. True, I bet no one will miss a meal! You still have to do Roll Call, Apparatus Checks and SCBA Check-Off EVERY MORNING as well as station clean-up. Yes you are right... All daily duties we do now will still be done daily.
3 groups have every other weekend off 3 groups have every other weekend off. The trade off is that they WORK A FULL WEEKEND (Saturday and Sunday) EVERY other weekend 2 groups NEVER have a full weekend off, they work either Saturday or Sunday EVERY weekend. The other 2 groups are off 1 full weekend and work 1 day the next. 1 group never works a Saturday and the other never works a Sunday. How do we fairly decide who gets to be in these groups? Bear in mind that Captains, Lieutenants, Paramedics, and even EMTs must be spread out evenly. Cannot have too many of any of them working or off on the same day. Service Comp Date will only work for a few. I agree that SCD will not work for everyone... as for the fairness on the weekends...... The president (Jim) Works for us and if we want to switch up shift every 6 months we can place that on a vote tooo! and work it in... other places do it ask REX.. Under the 48-72 7-group schedule every other day there is only 1 group available for mandatory overtime (People going off duty.) the other days there are only 2 groups. With our current staffing at some of the smaller stations, every other day there will usually be only 2 people available for mandatory OT. The larger stations will have it a little better as there will be more people in each group, but still half of the days each pay period only 1 group is available for mandatory OT and the other days only 2. Get use to inner district transfers if you read the new contract that you want to go thru so bad that will take care of you working or not working OT!! It will not just be the guys at your station working the ot there... Each year 1 or 2 groups will get stuck working both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day or New Years Eve and News Years Day. Show us on the schedule how we are going to relieve them. According to President Gibaud there will be no relief. A simple shift swap on the 24th and the 25th can easily solve this problem
Questions How are we going to schedule this? January 1st of a new Year. Will it be by Station, Battalion or District? District by District Each way throws in different factors. From looking at the Puget Sound Site they are doing it by Battalion and it will increase transfers and cause less available leave and seems to hit some battalions worse then others. How are we going to assign Groups fairly? Labor/Management working together Are we going to do it by seniority, let management do it, or pick it out of a hat? See above answer Will the Battalion Chiefs be on the schedule? This changes manning also.
Military reservists will have to be in a group with at least 1 full week end off. That is not done now so what would be changing? That would have to taken into consideration when picking which group to go in, there are laws that protect our reservist. What about guys with visitation issues who may only be seeing their kids 1 day each weekend. They can’t be in a group that works a full weekend every other shift. We currently have 1 weekend off a month so this would be better for people in this situation but I believe proof will be needed for to keep everyone honest. How will leave be picked? In 2 week blocks, by the week, or day by day? NNSY has I believe the best policy out here use theirs as a starting point Right now there are 7 different leave picking systems it Tidewater. Looking at Puget Sounds Site it seems that under 48-72 there are more people competing for less available leave slots then under the old system. How will we address this? Bear in mind that Captains, Lieutenants, Paramedics and even EMTs must be spread out evenly. Can’t have too many of any of them working or off on the same day.
How will overtime be administered? Overtime will have be position for position (FF for FF, Capt for Capt, etc) Under the 48-72 7 group schedule every other day there is only 1 group available for mandatory overtime (People going off shift.) the other days there are only 2. With our current manning at Dam Neck and Northwest every other day there are usually only 2 people available for Mando OT. The larger stations will have it a little better but still half of the days each pay period only 1 group is available for Mando OT. Northwest, Dam Neck and Oceania need manitory inter district transfers. The beach district should work together and there work be no OT problems If we do not put a 72 hour limit on OT a person feasibly could be forced to work 96 hours. This will have to be addressed in the OT Policy. It will certainly have to change and be standardized for all stations. This will be a MAJOR Issue considering the Region’s constant under manning problems.
Transfers will have to be addressed Transfers will have to be addressed. What is going to be our plan on that? Inter district transfers would help releive any problems that may arise. How about Shift Swaps? District 1 can’t even do them yet, and most other places do them differently. This should be addressed in the new contract, if not hopefully this can be addressed when and if we sit down and negotiate this issue. How about the minimum of 1 group that gets stuck Christmas Eve and Christmas Day or New Years Eve and News Years Day each Year? Show me on the schedule how we are going to relieve them. How do we pick who is going to be forced to change their group to relieve this? I know this is a hot button issue with many people. This topic has been answered previously a simple shift swap will take care of this situation…
Do our people under stand that the group they are in has the same schedule each pay period? YES There is no rotating days off, no 5 day breaks. This does not change each month or year or on a leap year. YES you are correct. Do they understand that it 48 on-72 off-48 on-72 off-48 on-48 off Are all of our people aware that A & B Shift will cease to exist? Under the Group System you will work with different people every day you work each pay period. Not true you will find out that you will actually be working with the same employees over and over again You will be working with different Battalion Chiefs, Captains Lieutenants and Firefighters each day. Company Officers will no longer have a “company” It changes every day. What does this do to Company Integrity and Team Work? This is a MAJOR ISSUE.!!! We have all had company integrity and team work drilled into us since rookie school. Just remeber that the capts crew will be a little larger and no one goes to the rookie school anymore so that is not drilled into us anymore.
Will we even be assigned to a particular apparatus? YES Some of the people proposing this schedule claim that there will be better “work flow and continuity” by working 2 days in a row. Could you please have them explain how this works? Look at what other departments have said in previous slides there are pros and cons…. They say we will not have to do roll call each morning. Again there are different people coming in EACH day. False everyday duties will be done as it is now. They say we will only have to check the apparatus out every other day. Sorry, but on my watch the apparatus will be checked every day as will your SCBA. They claim you will have more “quality time” with your family. This will certainly depend on which group you are assigned to and on your personal situation. True every ones personal situation is different..
Excel Charts from other Bases Showing savings in Overtime and Sick leave
2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total this Year to Date OT 1407 1911 1766.45 1854.25 1644.75 1922.75 1811 1872.75 1561.25 1937.5 1520 1240 20448.7 Sick Leave 579.5 527.25 675.5 668.5 545.75 295.25 697.5 481.5 255 248 383 304 Total "Sick Leave Types" 526 473 668 572 2005 663.75 567.25 1586.25 919.25 812.5 1930.25 895 914 593 630 1293 223 11027.25 254.75 370.75 453 683.25 663 465 529.75 499 242 354 381 320 Reduction OT Hours 743.25 1343.75 180.2 935 832.25 -7.5 916 958.75 968.25 1307.5 227 1017 9421.45 Percentage 52.8% 70.3% 10.2% 50.4% 50.6% -0.4% 51.2% 62.0% 67.5% 14.9% 82.0% 46.1% 324.75 156.5 222.5 -14.75 -117.25 -169.75 167.75 -17.5 13 -106 2 -16 445.25 53.5 54.25 7.5 96 211.25
AWS Overtime Impact - 2004 to 2005 2004 January February March April 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 2004 OT 1407 1911 1766.45 1854.25 1644.75 1922.75 1811 1872.75 1561.25 1937.5 1520 1240 20448.7 Sick Leave Hrs. (adjusted) 216 149 374 363 226 112 316 106 255 248 383 304 3052 579.5 527.25 675.5 2005 Total 2005 663.75 567.25 1586.25 919.25 812.5 1930.25 895 914 593 630 1293 223 11027.25 128 101 200 288 88 208.7 69 160 242 354 381 320 2539.7 254.75 370.75 453 Reduction GS-7 Step 5 Overtime OT Hours 743.25 1343.75 180.2 935 832.25 -7.5 916 958.75 968.25 1307.5 227 1017 9421.45 $ 22.05 $207,742.97 Percentage of Savings 52.8% 70.3% 10.2% 50.4% 50.6% -0.4% 51.2% 62.0% 67.5% 14.9% 82.0% 46.1% 48 174 75 138 -96.7 247 -54 13 -106 2 -16 512.3 $ 11,296.22 236.75 108.5 48.5 17% 324.75 156.5 222.5 906.05 $ 22.05 $ 19,978.40 30% $62,298.00 retirement $ 14.70 hr ot $ 24.00 $226,114.80 $ 12,295.20 # of bases Possible Dollars Saved USMC Fire Departments - Sick Leave $ 22.05 $ 207,742.97 16 $ 3,323,887.56 Hours Percentage Hrs. Saved 7 Step 5 Dollars saved 150743.2 20000 3400 $ 22.05 $ 74,970.00 $ 11,296.22 $ 180,739.44 24% 4800 $105,840.00 8196.8 6000 $132,300.00 $ 19,978.40 $ 319,654.44 39% 7800 $171,990.00 $ 14.70 GS-8 Step 5 Overtime $ 24.00 $ 226,114.80 Overtime $ 12,295.20 Sick leave
Total hours difference Percentage difference 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 2004 OT 1407 1911 1766.45 1854.25 1644.75 1922.75 1811 1872.75 1561.25 1937.5 1520 1240 20448.7 2005 Total 2005 663.75 567.25 1586.25 919.25 812.5 1930.25 895 914 593 630 1293 223 11027.25 Reduction OT Hours 743.25 1343.75 180.2 935 832.25 -7.5 916 958.75 968.25 1307.5 227 1017 9421.45 Percentage of Savings 52.8% 70.3% 10.2% 50.4% 50.6% -0.4% 51.2% 62.0% 67.5% 14.9% 82.0% 46.1% 579.5 527.25 675.5 1st Qtr. LS - 2004 1782.25 4 LS - 2004 7129 324.75 156.5 222.5 1st Qtr. LS - Dif. Between '04 & '05 703.75 Difference 2815 39.5% GS-7 Step 5 Overtime Savings 46% Total hours difference $ 22.05 $ 207,742.97 16 $ 3,323,887.56 39.50% Percentage difference 150743.2 hrs. GS-7 Step 5 Sick Leave Savings GS-07 Step 5 Firefighter $ 62,070.75 $ 993,132.00 $ 14.70 hr $ 22.05 ot GS-08 Step 5 $ - $ -